Arguing with Trumpanzees is A DAMN WASTE OF YOUR TIME


May 11, 2002

A Michigan state senator wore a Confederate flag during a state senate vote on Friday, then denied the obvious by stating that the flag was not what it clearly was. Then, he ultimately half-heartedly apologized after also throwing his wife under the bus for the incident.

On Friday, State Senator Dale Zorn was confronted by WLNS-TV about wearing the Confederate flag mask and excused his behavior away with a litany of lies and half-baked excuses.

Apparently its really important in Trumpland to fuck over your ancestors who died fighting for the Union to stick it to the libs!

Do you really think its worth the time to argue with such turncoats?
Last edited:
Mar 11, 2004
Rubs gonna rub. Something something liberal tears make them cum. And of course its the woman's fault, she shouldn't have him wear that if she didn't want the attention!


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I actually feel sorry for people who think they're being harmed by one guy wearing a flag on his face.
We have real problems in America that are being ignored and multiplied by some dangerously stupid, brainwashed assholes and right now I see no evidence it will be corrected this November.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I actually feel sorry for people who think they're being harmed by one guy wearing a flag on his face.
We have real problems in America that are being ignored and multiplied by some dangerously stupid, brainwashed assholes and right now I see no evidence it will be corrected this November.

True, the votes haven't even been cast much less counted.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
He was right on so many counts. It wasn't a confederate flag because it wasn't an antique. What it was was a mask made from the confederate flag pattern. And kids should know about history, the good and the bad, and how something as demonically symbolic as the confederate flag can, when printed out on the right kind of cloth make a life saving mask and one that could keep people from being infected by a conservative moron, or even save him. Viruses, after all, don't give a fuck about flags. Unlike people who stick them in the ground to claim territory, don't need them for legal claims, They don't give a fuck about those either.
Mar 11, 2004
I actually feel sorry for people who think they're being harmed by one guy wearing a flag on his face.
We have real problems in America that are being ignored and multiplied by some dangerously stupid, brainwashed assholes and right now I see no evidence it will be corrected this November.

I feel sorry for anyone that can't see the direct correlation between the two. Its not random happenstance that the people causing the "real" problems are also the ones doing the cartoonishly fucked up stuff too. See what ignoring the clown did and then wonder why you telling people to ignore another clown isn't doing much to put an end to the clown show.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I feel sorry for anyone that can't see the direct correlation between the two. Its not random happenstance that the people causing the "real" problems are also the ones doing the cartoonishly fucked up stuff too. See what ignoring the clown did and then wonder why you telling people to ignore another clown isn't doing much to put an end to the clown show.
Oh goody I get to point out how stupid you are!

Nobody has ever ignored Donald the clown. Not for one day.

The guy gets CONSTANT attention from everyone and loads of criticism from anyone not part of his brainwashed cult.
His bullshit is routinely questioned and refuted by most people with working brains and the opposing party frequently clashes with him to prevent the guy from accomplishing too many atrocities and yet every day he says dumb things, concocts more fantastic lies and insult just about everyone whose name he learns.
And yet, nothing ever happens. They tried impeaching him and his party flat out stated they would not convict even though he probably did commit a crime. He cannot be touched because nobody in power is able or willing to stop the guy and every day he does one more thing to make this country a worse place with nobody to stop him.
A man in a mask you don't like is not hurting you. I know that for a fact because the man who is hurting you never once wore anything confederate related.
Grow up you whiny little child. You have absolutely no plan or capability to stop the Clown Show, you're just crying on the internet and accomplishing nothing, exactly like the useless fucking Democrats.


Aug 11, 2005
why it took people almost 4 years to figure this out is beyond me


Nov 11, 1999
Americans (a majority of them) lack critical thinking skills. I do not know how to correc this problem.

I don't think it's a majority at all. Trump won the votes of less than 27% of the eligible electorate which was not a plurality of votes cast, anyway. Even the least rational of the GOP voting base exercise critical thinking in realms outside politics. In that realm, unfortunately, their minds have been poisoned by the truthiness of decades of relentless right wing Libertopian agitprop & misinformation.


Aug 11, 2005
Americans (a majority of them) lack critical thinking skills. I do not know how to correct this problem.

proper educational funding and a little help from hollywood would do the thing, proper taxing/auditing of mega 'churches' would be a nice bonus