Are there blankets that keep you at an ideal body temp?


Dec 11, 2002
Our body temperature drops as we fall deeper into sleep. The comfortable temperature for when I just get in bed would make me cold in the middle of the night.

Fluctuations in room temperature can change my blanketing needs from night to night as well.

What are the best products to keep your body in the ideal temperature given these varying conditions?

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I find once I'm asleep the temp does not really matter much anymore. I just crank the A/C before bed, it will run for an hour or two then shut off. If it gets too hot at night if I'm asleep I'm asleep so I won't care or even know what the temp is. This goes for extreme cold too, like tent camping when it's below freezing outside. Except what sucks is having to go pee when it's super cold. At home in winter I let the temp drop to around 10 degrees to conserve natural gas but if I have to go pee sometimes I'll fire up the furnace for like 15-30 minutes and lie in bed while I procrastinate getting out of the blankets. It's going to at least slightly take the edge off.

Suppose one could create a blanket that uses liquid tubes as a cooleant. You could then regulate the water temp using a water chiller of sorts. Basically a small window AC unit that the tubes pass through the coils. For heat mode a valve would open and it would pass water through the hot side, for cool mode it would pass the water through the cold side. The AC unit could just sit in the room, since you're not trying to cool or heat the room just the water in the tubes. You'd want the smallest unit you can buy. Maybe even a dehumidifier would work. (they are basically the same as AC just physically different - not sure if coils are intertwined though if they are it would be harder)


Aug 31, 2002
And to think your body is capable of sleeping outside on the dirt covered in leaves.

I would say just get over it. You're over thinking sleep.


Sep 2, 2006
sounds like someone needs a snuggie

snuggies for the whole family!
