Are Fuji 80 Minute CDs Compatible With Burner and All CD Players

Apr 25, 2000
I want to buy some blank Fuji 80 minute CDs that are on sale but there are some questions.
1. Will my old 2006 two speed Smart and Friendly CD recorder be compatible with these 80 minute CDs and;

2. I have heard that some types of CDs will not play in every CD player. Can someone inform me if these Fuji CDs will?

3. I have heard that many cd players cannot play back BASF/Emtec media and some people say to use only gold CDs and not silver because silver reflects the laser too much. Does anyone know the real facts behind this compatibility issue why some CD players will not play some burned CDs?



Oct 14, 1999
1. should not be a problem.

2. it depends on the age of the player.

3. it depends on the age of the player.


the way CDs work, is that the laser is reflected off the reflective layer, and the "pits" and "valleys" are of different reflective properties as to direct the reflected laser towards a sensor, or NOT... that's how the data is stored (1's and 0's).

the reason some players cannot use them is because the laser\sensor combination is from an older generation and cannot detect the reflected laser since CDRs and "pressed CDs" reflect the laser differently. really old ones cannot even use CDRs, fairly new ones can. and new ones definitely can. "age" is relative.

when it comes to CDRW discs, only the NEWEST players can use them. same reason, and CDRW discs are really different when it comes to reflection.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Inorder to be able to write to 80 min cd's all the way out to 80, your writing software and cd recorder will have to support that.

In some writing software, your going to have to set the limit past the normal 74min/650 meg to 80min/700meg.

here is the current page for SAF that you might want to bookmark for future reference.

Apr 25, 2000
Thank you for the Smart and Friendly address however it appears that some other company has taken them over and when I emailed them their response was:

Thank you for contacting ECI. Smart and Friendly is no longer in business or providing support for its CD Recorders. ECI has provided third party technical support for Smart and Friendly during the past three years and would gladly assist you in resolving issues or questions on your CD Recordable or ReWritable drive for a fee of $30 per incident. ECI will accept Visa or MasterCard as payment for this service.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Then in that case, if you want to see if you can use 80min cd's, then I would do a test burn. Buy at least 1 80min cd, and set your writing software to be able to use 80min cd' lenght and give it a try.

If it is older cdrw, then maybe it can't write to 80min cd;'s.