Anyone want to do web design and graphics for my site?


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2001
I just started the site a few weeks ago and don't have much on it, but I'm looking for a web designer/graphics designer and a writer for my website. The site is about gaming and technology, so I think most of you could write about that. If you can help, please email me at I don't have the site hosted with a .com yet, but once I have the layout finalized and some content, then I'll get it professionally hosted. The address is I also have a message board (there is a link from the site). Thanks!


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2001

Just what the web needs....another gamin/tech site......good luck've got a long way to go.....


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2001

<< Are you wanting it done for free? >>

Well I don't really have much to offer. The best I can do is offer some of money that I get from advertisements once the site is hosted. But I don't know if that will be very much. So I want it done for free for now, but there might be some money involved later on...


Sep 8, 2001


<< Are you wanting it done for free? >>

Well I don't really have much to offer. The best I can do is offer some of money that I get from advertisements once the site is hosted. But I don't know if that will be very much. So I want it done for free for now, but there might be some money involved later on...

Let me tell you my opinion. You're never, ever going to be remotely successful in this site if you A.) can't pay someone to do the work for you or b.) can't do the work youself. I wouldn't be looking for "employees" if you don't even know what you're doing.


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2001
I'm not looking for employees...I'm just looking for someone to help me out with the site.

I can offer the $.14 in my paypal account :D


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2001
If some of the replies sound harsh, it's probably because they're right. It's a tough time to be that type of site with how saturated the internet is and how low advertising revenues are (if you can even get any quality ads or get onto a quality network to begin with).

I originally started my own site back when I got my Riva128 card (paid $200 for it, sniff :() and it did pretty well for its time. Eventually I got picked up by Cyrellis3D and stayed until that gang broke up. I went on to do some work for Dimension 128 and RivaZone but dropped out of the scene soon afterwards. I've thought of getting together with some old friends and doing my own site again since then, but it's really tough these days and as a result, my site has been pretty much void of any real content for years now.

I can tell you that it isn't impossible, but it's definitely no easy task. It certainly wasn't easy back when things looked good, and it has only gotten tougher in recent years. Don't let any of it discourage you though, if you want to do a gaming/hardware type site, you should! You sound like you have nothing to lose and you never know what may happen. :)

Edit: spelling


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
I don't have the time, but one thing that you should do is to look at other websites, and to get ideas....don't blatently steal what they have, but just take the idea.
An example would be for the articles that you have, like the one where you replaced the fan on your GF3 is to have pictures, and to break it up. Pictures are very important, because I didn't read one word of the article, but had there been pictures there, I would have read the text to see what you were doing. And breaking it up, maybe like in reviews, where they have 1st page, of info, 2nd page of tests, 3rd page of comparison, and 4th page of conclusion, something like that might help.

Good luck on your website :)


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2001
Contarary to what everyone else says, there ARE people out there that might be interested :)

I'd be interested in doing some website / graphic design work on a short term basis, getting a layout and stuff, as well as a few pages of HTML if you're still looking for someone. All I'd want are my name in the credits and a nice recomendation if you're happy with my work. Oh, and if you ever make it big-time and get rich, you can pay me some then. :)

E-mail me at if you're still interested.


Jun 23, 2001
Wait, so you want someone to write up some articles, do the web design and then for you to say it's your site.. Not the smartest idea, why not try and join a site first, then you can have some experience working on a staff.
-- mrcodedude


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2001

<< Wait, so you want someone to write up some articles, do the web design and then for you to say it's your site.. Not the smartest idea, why not try and join a site first, then you can have some experience working on a staff. -- mrcodedude >>

Well......just the web design. I'd write for and maintain the site. And no, then I wouldn't say that the site is mine, I would give credit to everyone who helped me with it.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
The internet is out of money.

The only sites that can start up and continue to garner interest are those that are about original content.

80% of the hardware reviews I read are pointless, covering the exact things that the previous 8 reviews from other sites have covered. Unless you have connections that let you put out reviews of quality before anyone else does, it'll be a hard hard struggle to gain and keep viewership.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001

<< I'd write for and maintain the site >>

I'd suggest writing for other sites first, to gain experience and build up a portfolio of published content. If you have no money you can't afford to buy hardware or games, and vendors are much less likely to send you loaners if you have no published work.

Out of curiousity, if writing is what you enjoy, why not write for someone else? No web hosting expenses, no web administration hassles, and more time to spend on writing. If you work up to writing for a larger site they'll even be able to get the loaners (and "keepers" for software) for you.

If you're expecting to make money, the odds are stacked against you even breaking even and any profit will likely be much less than minimum wage.