Anyone used the TV-out on a radeon?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I use it for watching DVDs and for watching the shows I've had my AIW capture while I was away. Essentially, I use my AIW Radeon like a TIVO and the TV-out gets used only for videos. I've only played videogames on the TV once or twice but much prefer the computer monitor. I've had TV-out on all my modern videocards and would never go without this feature (I've had a ATI Rage Pro, Nvidia TNT, Nvidia GeForce 2 MX, ATI AIW Radeon).


Apr 15, 2001
The Radeon is superb for DVD and TV-Out capabilities, as well as basic VIVO functionality on some models. I love the TV-Out capability and wouldn't be without it. It looks a bit mediocre on my "old" (circa 1994) RCA 19/20" TVs, but acceptable for most purposes. I have a couple of the LE's with TV-Out and for the price you can't beat them.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< How does the TV-out quality look compared to a standalone dvd player on the TV. >>

I've only used it with RCA cables on a 1993 TV, but it looks quite good. My friend's got a set-top DVD player hooked up through RCA cables and I can't tell the difference in picture quality whatsoever (he's got a better TV as well). It's good enough that I've done away with my Hollywood+. Personally, I think the Radeon has a more crisp picture than the H+ which had some aliasing. However, the H+ had more vibrant and truer colours (I'm sure I could adjust this with my AIW Radeon but it's not bad enough for me to undergo the effort).