Anyone remember "The Hollywood Kid?"


Sep 12, 2012
If you were playing UT back in the day and you saw that name you were playing against the best. I was fast, young and kinda cocky. I'd make the nerds tremble with fear and their girlfriends hot.

I was "The Hollywood Kid!" :)


Oct 9, 1999
I remember you. That match we played were I absolutely dominated you on Deck 16 went down as the greatest upset in Unreal Tournament history. You trembled in fear of me after that one.


Sep 12, 2012
I remember you. That match we played were I absolutely dominated you on Deck 16 went down as the greatest upset in Unreal Tournament history. You trembled in fear of me after that one.

I... I did?


Oct 9, 1999
I remember the day well. It was a cool Spring night. A Saturday night. The year was 2000.

I had some free time to kill in between watching Malcolm In The Middle and MAD TV. Although I already knew Unreal Tournament would't provide me with a sufficient challenge, I decided to play it anyway. There was just 3 minutes before MAD TV would be on. I had to make it quick.

Found a moderately packed server hosting deathmatch on Deck 16. I also logged into the Roger Wilco chat channel the DM server advertised. Luckily, I spawned into the game just as the match started. As soon as I begin my assault I hear this kids voice over Roger Wilco say "The Hollywood Kid will destroy you all!" followed by some giggling laughter. You had a 3 point lead the first 30 seconds into the match.

It was a minute into the game when I decided to get serious. There was only 2 minutes before MAD TV would be on and I couldn't miss it. The kill cap was set to 50 for the match to end. A large amount to get to in a 3 minute timespan. My laser like focus kicked in. I was getting a kill every few seconds now. One here one there. You would spawn and have little time to do anything before I wiped you out.

Two minutes into the match I hear the same voice over Roger Wilco say "P... p... please sir. Have mercy". This was followed by sobbing. I didn't respond. Couldn't respond. All of my focus was put into the spectacular gameplay I was unleashing. Time slowed down and my vision became supernaturally sharp. To the point where I could see the individual phosphors on my 17" CRT illuminating one-by-one. The crosshair zeroed in on each player as fast as the game would allow. Before anyone knew it, it was over. 50 kills for me. You, in second place, had 6.

By now the sobbing had turned into full-on crying. I ended the match by saying "Remember me. Remember the name AdamK47. Remember this day well." I then watched MAD TV.