anyone pick up tales of graces f for ps3?


Apr 5, 2005
looks like a pretty cool j-rpg.

i've been hearing good things. hoping it will drop in price soon.

does anyone have experience with this game yet?
Oct 20, 2005
Just got it in the mail today. Will be playing it tonight.

So far from what I've read, reviews are good. But then again, this is a Tales series game...99% of the time they are good.

In case anyone asks, it only has English audio, but it's done pretty nicely (Tales of Vesperia had some good English voice overs).
Oct 20, 2005
I'm about 6-7 hours into it and so far I think it's an overall good game. Then again, has there really been a bad Tales game?

The only issues I have with the game so far are:

1) Lack of details

This definitely stems from the fact that this game was created for the Wii which is not as powerful as the 360 or PS3 so thus, detail is lower. That's not to say the graphics aren't nice or anything....b/c they are: sharp, crisp, colorful. It's just that I can tell the level of detail is lower than that of Tales of Vesperia.

2) The story/acting

I don't know what it is, but it just seems like there are lots of times I'm saying to myself "um, what? Why is no one asking why this happened? Or where did so and so go..." Add to that some weird/awkward, long drawn out pauses in the cut scenes. It just seems like the script was missing pages here and there.

3) Lack of an overworld map

Now I know you do get an overworld map to view, but I'm talking about how like in ToV, you would have dungeon/city views, and then a bigger overworld view. The overworld view in ToGF seems just like any dungeon/city view. I just don't get that overall big world feel. Oh, there's no camera rotation in the "overworld" view which kind of blows.

Other than those gripes, I'm enjoying the game. Those problems mentioned above would never keep me from playing any tales game. I know they are all inherently awesome so I'll always play a tales game regardless of any problems it may have.


Aug 12, 2001
I tried ToV and liked it. this sounds more of the same. probably gonna get it when I have a bit more free time (and after I finish ME3).
Oct 20, 2005
I tried ToV and liked it. this sounds more of the same. probably gonna get it when I have a bit more free time (and after I finish ME3).

It's definitely a great game.

I'm kinda not happy w/ the introduction of the story. In ToV, they gave you a history/intro on what is going on w/ the monsters and what blastia is etc.

Doesn't seem as direct with ToGF. It just kinda throws you in and I'm left wondering what is the actual setting/plot/intro/problem.

A Casual Fitz

Diamond Member
May 16, 2005
Semi-necro, I just finished this game. The last few hours got pretty tedious and I wouldn't want to go through the stress of the final battle again but overall it was fun. Has anyone else here gotten further than what's been posted so far?