Anyone own these speakers? - Acoustic Research 215's


Oct 11, 1999
I've read the 2 reviews on audioreview, and people seem to be happy with these. I'm looking at getting them to beef up the system for home theater; right now it sounds great for music, but it needs some speakers for surround sound use. I'm thinking about putting these on the A channel for front bookshelf speaks and relegate the Bose 201's (which are ok, at best, and I don't want to get into a "Bose is suck" discussion; they're fine for what I use them for, and I bought them long ago before I was aware of how good speakers can sound - whew, what a long digression) to being rear (surround) speakers.

Here's the setup so far:

Pioneer vsx-d458 Receiver Receiver
Acoustic Research 318-PS Towers
Bose 301 Bookshelf Speakers (connected in the kitchen) - Split on channel A with the 201's
Bose 201 Bookshelf Speakers

I am currently considering the AR-215PS speakers as a replacement for the Bose's, like I said. Here's a link - the price is damned good, that's for sure: Hope this link works - It's long

Ok, guys, steer me in the right direction. My girl may just kill me if I buy new speakers, but I need something more for home theater use...


PS - Just for clarity's sake, I'm not looking at spending more than another $100 on this system. It's a pretty nice system for a college student who spends most of his time working with the outdoors, I think. :)