Anyone Into Serious Photography?


Jun 28, 2000
Ok cool. Anyways, I was planning on getting either a Mamiya 645E or a older Bronica ETRS. Which one do you think is better even though the Mamyia is Aperture-Priority AE Control where as the Bronica is totally manual with even no TTL? I am thinking the Mamyia would be a better choice for me since this will be my first Medium-Format camera.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

Go with the Mamiya 645 because it offer quicker respond, and TTL will greatly help with fill flash & AE kick ass. I own a Mamiya C220 & C330 with 4 lenses, which is nice enough for my need, but would love to get the Mamiya 6 or 7 with wide, medium & tele lenses (as a dream field camera).

Most job would be fine with the 35mm because it offer the quick respond that couldn't be match by a medium format, unless you are familiar with the situation. The type of photo that you shoot can be enhance by the type of camera you get such as field or studio.

I prefer the 6x6 format because it offer you the ease of formating so you could concerntrate on your subject, then crop in the stutio for the type of shot that you want...But most modern stock photo is gear toward magazine layout, therefor the portrait format is the type of shot you are most likely look for, so a 6x7 or 6x4.5 will do the job just as well as the 6x6 format.

But the most important of all on chosing a camera is the person that have to handle it. You have to get both camera out for a day and fire a few rolls of films (in the studio & field) through it befor you could make a good educated decision on what camera to fit you personality, shooting style, and hand.

I have not use any Bronica, but have owned & uses Contax, Fuji, Hasselblads, Mamiyas, Pentaxes & Rollie medium format, and a few large format both 4x5s & 8x10s.



Jun 28, 2000
0 the local shop they were selling a older Bronica ETRS. It came with a 120/220 back and a Polaroid back too. Not sure how many lenses it came with but pretty sure one 70mm *I think it was 70*. And a prism(the thingy u look in, i think!) but totally manual and no TTL. It was priced at about $1800. But I'm pretty sure it came with two other lenses. Anyways, at how much do you think the Mamiya 645 would be w/ TTL/AE and a normal lens I guess a 80mm 2.8 lens. Actually @ 645E Pricing they have that pack age that comes with, Body, 80mm 2.8 Lens, Lens hood, Lens cap, 120 Film insert, Strap, Battery, 1-Year warranty. Hmm..seems like a good deal but I don't think it comes with any backs. So what do you think?


Jun 28, 2000
Hmm..but the Bronica comes with the 120/220 back and all the goodies. But can I buy a AE prisim for the Bronica?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

It all depend on what kind of foto you are going to shoot. The Polaroid back is totally use less for field work, but it is a great tool for the studio.

I don't use the polaroid back anylonger, because I uses handheld meter & know my lightings.

The only time that you may find a critical need for the polaroid back is when shooting with large format & table-top macro where difficul lighting & cost of the polaroid is much cheaper than the actual sheet of slide.

Don't know if Bronica make AE finder for the ETRS, but it would be better to buy the body that have AE prism, because them luxury add on will cost as much as your camera body & lens combo. I urge you to chek out the Mamiya range finders or the RB (too heavy for field work) cameras if you have that kind of cash to play with, and want to use a Prism Viewfinder.