Anyone have the LinkSys Cable/DSL Router or just....


Senior member
Sep 24, 2000
some sort of firewall?

Ok I have had this cable dsl router for sometime now, and I love it, provides awesome security. My question is how do I let programs get though the firewall/router using ports. I mean I play counterstrike a good deal, everytime I play I have to open the DMZ host to my computer ip, witch in turn makes me open to any sort of attacks. How do I know witch ports to open for witch programs. IE Icq, AOE II, Counter-Strike, etc. Thanks for the help.


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
A ton of people have this router... and the security isn't awesome, although it's acceptable as long as you don't open too many ports.

You can open ports on an individual basis under the Advanced -> Port Forwarding section of the set up screen if you have the original firmware. If you have flashed to the latest firmware release, you can open them in blocks in the same section.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2000
Thanks for the reply. Actually to be honest I rather not use this router at all, but how do I know witch ports to open with witch programs. IE Counterstrike etc. Also these days what is the most secure setup, I thought a router/firewall combo was the best way to go, If I were to just use a hub, what firewall is the best to use security wise?

Ohh btw I did upgrade the firmware, so It does allow that feature, im just not sure to know witch ports to use for witch programs. I rather not use the router in all cases, but haven't been able to find a decent firewall. If you know of one, let me know.



Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
I'm definitely not a network security expert, but I spoke with one of the people involved in Intel's network security and he went off on a rant about companies like Linksys calling their router security "firewalls". I'm not sure that I totally grasped the distinction so I'm not going to try and type it here. Once he stepped off his soapbox, he did admit that the 'firewall' in the Linksys router will be more than adequate for most users as long as they don't open up too many ports. Since I open a ton of ports for various apps, I'm running ZoneAlarm on my system just in case. Zonealarm is freeware - it's at Zonealarm.

As far as which ports to open - it's usually contained in a FAQ or on the support page for the program. Napster is 6679, IIRC. Diablo2 wants a block in the mid-6000's and one in the 4000 range, IIRC. You can get the information by hunting around the support section for the games and look for firewall, proxy and ports.

Edit #1:

Here's a somewhat complete list of ports for apps and games: Link to Tim Higgin's excellent site's port list

Edit #2:

After a bit of searching, I think I'm starting to understand why the 'firewall' on the low-end routers aren't really firewalls. Check out this thread at


Senior member
Nov 5, 1999
For help on which ports to open, try downloading the v1.35 helper file that is over at Practically Networked. There is a spreadsheet in the zip file (look about halfway down the page for the zip) that has a very large listing of apps and what ports need to be forwarded for them.

BTW, I have this router and haven't had any problems with it. I forward ports when I need to (not too often) and close them once I am done with whatever app I am using.

Hope this helps :)


Senior member
Sep 24, 2000
Thanks so much guys, one last question, what's the best software firewall out there, that is somewhat easy to configure, I need one for home aswell as a good/great one for the office, it has to be software, unless you know of a great router type out there. Price doesn't matter so much, but can't be like a 700$ program. Anyone?



Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
My vote would go to ZoneAlarm Pro.

But read this article on firewalls over at Gibson Research.