anyone good at price matching?


Junior Member
Sep 21, 2000
I am new at this so please forgive my ignorance. Do CompUSA or Office Depot price match? What are Best Buy and Office Max's policies on price matching? If you find a product that is not in an add, how do you prove the price to the compeditor?


Hi mercutio,

Welcome to AnandTech. I know you are new to our forums, so I wanted to let you know that in Hot Deals, new threads are for posting the deals you have found. Please post your comments in the appropriate moderator sponsored thread:

~~~~ IWANNA ~~~~ to ask for hot deals on the items you want.
~~~~ How Do I ~~~~ to ask how to price match, etc.
~~~~ Brag & Moan ~~~~ to rave about your great experience or complain about how badly you were treated.

I hope you find the deals you want. While you are at it, you might want to visit some of our sixteen other forums devoted to computers. You can find out how to get the most from your machine or just how to solve some problem you have been having.

Thank you,

AnandTech Moderator