Anyone else think that Telocity is the worst company ever?!?!


Senior member
Apr 3, 2000
I just had to rant, and this is the only place I can think of to go. I've been using this company for nine months, and besides the fact that not a month has gone by without them screwing something up (including two weeks without service), now they've cancelled my account three weeks too early (my roommate is moving and transfering the service; I am wisely going another route). So we're stuck at home with no internet access for a few weeks. Fine. I can check my mail with their webmail program from work. Maybe. They just deleted that. It was supposed to be transfered with the service.

Their customer service is the absolute worst it's ever been today. And they've been VERY bad in the past. Today the gentleman who barely speaks English (I don't mean this as a racial or ethnic cut at all - I literally did not understand 50% of his words) tried to tell me something about the account not being there and he could not find anything about the new accounts. Great. In the meantime I'm trying to look for a job, but maybe now I won't hear from anyone because my go&&am mail is bouncing back to them!

This has absolutely sealed the deal for me. I will never, EVER do business with this a$$-backward company again. For someone who acts like they're so big, I swear it's five guys in a shack. They subcontracted the connection stuff to some chumps called Rythms, who they blamed half the problems on the past nine months and whose install guy was ignorant as hell. The customer service has never once returned a call or so much as provided an actual solution when I called. If this were the last company on earth, I would start my own. They go against every ethical and conscietious thought I've ever had. If any of you are considering them, please think again!

Am I alone or does anyone here share my thoughts?


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
<<Their customer service is the absolute worst it's ever been today.>>

They are in the process of absorbing somewhere in the neighboorhood of 6000+ PhoenixDSL subscribers. In addition they are aquiring about half a dozen other ISP's customers that bit the dust.

<<They subcontracted the connection stuff to some chumps called Rythms, who they blamed half the problems on the past nine months and whose install guy was ignorant as hell.>>

Rythms supplies the line and Telocity supplies the ISP service. Telocity is a VAR for Rythms, NOT the other way around. As with all CLEC's Rythms is at the mercy of your local telephone company. Guess what, you telephone company doesn't like other companies selling people data lines over their network so they drag their feet.

In final, GET OVER IT. If you want to deal with one company order your DSL through the phone company or cable company. In the long run you will get worse service.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yep. I signed up for service in August and got a modem in November. They charged me in December even though the service never worked (Service light wouldnt come on) and I logged at least a dozen calls to &quot;tech support.&quot; When I called, they promised to refund me and then turned around and charged me again.


Golden Member
Apr 22, 2000
/me is one of 6000+ PhoenixDSL subscribers who got the shaft by Megapath/Telocity. I am currently suffering through the hell that is Dial up whilst I wait for DSLi to set up my new/changed line.

I would have gone with a major Telco had I not suffered through USWorst and heard the horror stories of Verizon.


Jan 26, 2000
rahvin - you sound like a Telocity employee. The bottom line is that Telocity customer care is horrible. They staff the phones with unknowledgeable kids and the entire work flow process is flawed. Tech support blames sales, sales blames billing, billing blames tech support, and nobody knows what provisioning is doing. You supply them with call back numbers and alternate email addresses that are never used. You have to call them only to find out there is a problem.

For example, I am setting up new service (actually transferring - you have to disconnect through billing at your old address and then start from the beginning with sales for the new address [don't get me started on that inane process]) and I called about the status of my order. The CSR said there was a problem verifying the address. So I verified it for them. But if I never called the installation would have been put on hold indefinitely or maybe cancelled all together.

As far as saying you can't blame Telocity for problems with a Rythems or a telephone company like Ameritech is crazy. Telocity's job is to coordinate installations with these companies and chew some a-- when things aren't going right. Why should the customer do their work? Telocity is the project manager. It is their responsibility to get your DSL up and running as quickly as possible.


Senior member
Apr 3, 2000
<<They are in the process of absorbing somewhere in the neighboorhood of 6000+ PhoenixDSL subscribers. In addition they are aquiring about half a dozen other ISP's customers that bit the dust.>>

So? This affects me how? So they screw the people who have been for them while they look for more customers to piss off? Besides, their service has never been even decent, so one day does not make or break my opinion of the CS.

<<In final, GET OVER IT. If you want to deal with one company order your DSL through the phone company or cable company. In the long run you will get worse service.>>

Guess what. I AM dealing with one company. I only pay and get to talk to one company, so they should take responsibility! That's what real people do in the rest of the world. When I'm doing work for someone, and I subcontract it out (either for money or through someone who works for me), I take the blame when it doesn't get done or done right. Besides, this was merely a minor complaint of mine. They've sucked all by themselves!

I don't understand why you sympathize with them. Do you work there? Do you know someone who works there? If so please have them contact me! Now we've been told we can't have our email addresses back until there's a circuit at the new location, which could be weeks. Meanwhile, prospective employers are getting bounced messages back and Telocity refuses to help at all. There are several solutions they could provide, but they don't want to go one inch out of their way to address a situation that someone at Telocity created. That's been my gripe with this company from the beginning. No effort to help you. I'm sorry if you disagree.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
<<rahvin - you sound like a Telocity employee. The bottom line is that Telocity customer care is horrible.>>

I'm a telocity employee now? Dang, how much am I getting paid? :) BTW, I'm an ex-Phoenix subscriber and waiting for the transfer.

Big deal on the customer service dude, find one high speed internet provider with good customer service. See what you think is that you get good service when you pay the cheapest price. Well let me clue you in on something, the less you pay the less service you get. You want a reliable connection with top rated support and excellent latency/bandwidth order your line from Megapath. Guess what. They aren't the cheapest because you PAY for service. You want cheap, don't whine about lack of service.

<<So? This affects me how? So they screw the people who have been for them while they look for more customers to piss off? Besides, their service has never been even decent, so one day does not make or break my opinion of the CS.>>

See above opinion. If you didn't know what you were getting into you weren't an educated consumer.

<<Guess what. I AM dealing with one company. I only pay and get to talk to one company, so they should take responsibility! That's what real people do in the rest of the world.>>

Guess what. You made the choice to pick an inexpensive supplier of high speed lines. Deal with the consequences. The less money you pay the worse service you get. You also made the decision to go with an alternate supplier of DSL (other than the baby bells), if you educated yourself as a consumer you would know what that means (including a hostile babybell that doesn't give status updates).



Senior member
Apr 3, 2000
Funny thing is, we paid MORE for Telocity, because the BabyBell was providing TERIBLE service! I thought we were stepping up in quality. Last night a Telocity rep was looking up some information and asked who our CLEC was. After hearing Rythms, they groaned and said we were in trouble! When Telocity admits their people are bad. . .