Anyone else experience this? 8RDA+ Vdimm issues (update: resolved by fairly simple means, duh)


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
So, erm, yeah. Help? It feels odd to be on the other end of an 8RDA(+) problem thread, but so be it. :p

I tried to get some Kingston ValueRAM (I know, I know) running stable at the purported 166 MHz it's *spec'd* to run at (but doesn't), so I of course wanted to increase the Vdimm. However, when I go into my BIOS settings to change the RAM voltage - I get greeted with a screen that has no numbers. No common keystrokes (e.g. Esc) work, nothing responds until I hit Ctrl-Alt-Del. I'm running the latest BIOS revision - what gives?

I wanted to try to get this thing running stable before being forced to RMA the memory, but without the ability to change the Vdimm, I'm stuck. I know people on places like AOA Forums have done things like the Vdimm mod, but that's just to get the voltage higher than what the BIOS normally allows, right?


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
So it just gags when you go to that menu in the BIOS? :confused: Dare I suggest going back to a prior revision of the BIOS? ;)


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
It does indeed. However, I haven't touched that particular menu in ages, I can't be sure if it was around in previous versions. I'm contemplating re-flashing this latest BIOS version - if that doesn't do it, then I'll flash to an earlier revision as you suggested.


Golden Member
Nov 17, 2000
OK, I re-flashed and all is now well! Doing so even got rid of a quirk I previously had, namely, whenever I changed any information in the BIOS settings, this would happen:

Shows video card information
Message in the center of the screen "BIOS FLASH DO NOT TURN OFF SYSTEM" (or something like that, I'm probably paraphrasing)
Restarts automatically
Shows video card information
Changes have taken effect, POST takes place as usual

Reason is that previously, I flashed my BIOS from within Windows using EPoX's utility - I no longer have a floppy drive on my system. When I reflashed just a few minutes ago, I went through the trouble of digging out a floppy drive from my spare parts and using it to flash the system (didn't want to risk anything). Now it doesn't do that anymore.

Funny how you can use a system for so many months and then find oddities coming and going