I agreed with a lot of it up until 2:14 when he went batshit crazy.
You mean you believe In a trinity of The Devine God.
This guy is no fool. He didn't go into great detail . But make no mistake this guy knows the details as history portrays it , I was I little put off by the fact he didn't mention the City state of ROMA and its influence on the christian teachings threw the Roman Paul who he clearly sees as a mystic weaving supernatural tails.
Nor as he yet to connect the dots between The RoMan Juliuos Ceaser and the Egyptian Cleopatra and the folling in there order.
1) The burning of the Library of Alexandria. SO as to errase history .
2) The Union of Ceasar and Cleopatra, Birth of Caesarion Son of the god Ceasar (Ruler of the World) and The Virgin goddess Cleapatra(Isis).
3) Ceasar Murdered . Cleopatra with the aid of Mark Anthony helps Caesarion escape egypt. Anthony is Killed But the Knowledge of Ceasars true heir is Kept in secret. So that
Octavian ceasars adopted son who followed Ceasar to the Thrown would not pursue Caesarion flight from egypt. Ceasarion is said to have study in India and China and was infact known by another name.
4) The Christ is offerred the Thrown of the World By the deciever and rejects . Only one man could reject the Thrown of the World . Caesarion.
5) Rome founds the Holy Roman Catholic Church . ROME decides what is put into New Testment Scripture. Thus the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE was created.
As a side not Moses =Egyptian Prince, Leads Israel out of Eygpt.
SO israel is already sowen to the hip of Egypt. With the Union of Ceasar and Cleopatra
Ceasarion becomes the New standard to westenize eastern ideas.
The Free Masons have been around since the Building of Bable. They have the complete and true history of the Past and they pass this information only among the very hightest rank of 33 degree. Its easy to spot these people They will always use the number 33 for completeness. Christ Completed his work at 33 Christ rose from the dead 3 days later and stayed on earth a total of 33 days after resurrection . SO ya the Book of Mormon tho not yet written was already being groomed. As Christ did leave The Apostles for a period. THe False Prophet was also put in the the writing so as to create conflict between believes . The conspirecy is as old as our History. But consider yourselves lucky. Were going to find out what this was all about very shortly . I already have a good idea. But thats for after your convinced your in deep dodo