I tried it previously on my XP machine, and yeah it worked well and looked great. I hate the look of XP and tried some of the other teme programs but all interfered with games.
However, sometimes VTP would resort back to the XP look, and required a re-install.
I remember running into some or other problem at some point (I struggle to recall exactly what the issue was) and I assumed it was caused by VTP. Hence, I no longer use it. I did a complete re-install of windows, so I am not sure if it was VTP that caused the problem.
Wait, I just remembered... the problem was that windows updates were no longer installing. IE 7 for example, would not install. I would go through the windows validation without reporting problems and then go through the install, but at the end it would tell me that installation failed.
After re-installing windows, I have done all updates including IE 7 and everything has gone fine.
Again, I can not difinitely attribute this to VTP, but it is my primary suspect.