Any umpires out there?


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2002
Looks like I'm going to be umpiring again this fall. Told myself I wouldn't do it again, but I'm in a new state now... so hopefully it will be better than my previous job. I did two years of cub league and one season of Dizzy Dean(10-11). The cub league wasn't that bad seeing as they didn't keep score. But Dizzy Dean was pretty bad... and it didn't help when I was behind the plate while a family member was pitching. Which I was told when hired that would never happen, but sure enough it did.

Anyone else have bad experiences dealing with parents and coaches? How did you handle it? I haven't done it in a few years but I'm a bit older now and have a much better grasp of the rules.

Funniest story that happened in Dizzy Dean was men on first and second with no outs... bottom of the final inning. Infield fly was called but the short stop intentionally dropped the ball. This confused the guy on second and he ran, double play. This effectively lost the game for the team at bat. I had the coach follow me to the car after I had explained the ruling. I ended reporting him to the director, didn't hear a word from him the rest of the season.


Feb 29, 2000
Not sure what a black mat is. I just used a hand held plastic piece of junk that had rollers to update strikes, balls and outs.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2002

I meant in the ASA leagues out here, they have a black mat behind the plate. If the ball hits the mat, it's a strike.... if not, it's a ball. All they have to do is judge ball height for illegal pitches.


Feb 29, 2000
Originally posted by: bGIveNs33

I meant in the ASA leagues out here, they have a black mat behind the plate. If the ball hits the mat, it's a strike.... if not, it's a ball. All they have to do is judge ball height for illegal pitches.

ahh ok. Nope, I based it on the height of the batter and the width of the plate.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I can't help you with baseball/softball but I have reffed soccer and even though I love the game; being the ref sucks. I'm not sure if this is the caser in all sports especially where parents are watching.

The little kids were alright but when one got hurt, I turned to stop the clock, by the time I turned around all the kids were sitting on the ground since they are told to sit when the clock is stopped??

Young kids (8-11) were also okay since it wasn't too competitive.

Teenage girls are probably the worst. Not only do you have to deal with helicopter parents that think their princess is the best ever; the girls were vicious and played extremely dirty.


Aug 9, 2000
I used to ref basketball for YMCA. Man....some of those parents just need to get a grip and let the kids play.