Any modem dials --> BSOD


Nov 5, 2000
I'm having a problem getting any modem to work on my system. So far, I've tried a 3Com / USRobotics 56K Faxmodem and a generic 56K Winmodem I picked up for $20 at CompUSA. I've got driver CD's for both, and I've also gone and gotten the newest drivers online for the USR modem. Both modems install fine, I can change settings, and they both respond to basic commands. But when I try to dial with either (using Dial Up Networking under Windows Me), I get a BSOD with the following information:

File Name: UNIMODEM(03) + 0000521A Error: OE : 028 : C188A9DA

Same ugly blue screen comes up, same error with both modems. I've tried changing BIOS settings, finding new drivers, disabling the SB Live!, and I can't get either to dial. I'm thinking it's a software problem with Millennium's installation, but I'm not sure of the easiest way to pinpoint it. Any help or previous experience would be greatly appreciated. Here's the system setup if it might help:

Duron 700 @ 950
128MB PC100
GeForce 256 DDR
Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1


Nov 5, 2000
Update: I've also tried using an external USB Viking 56k modem, with the exact same result. So I assume it's a communication software problem, but:

1) I don't know where to start looking
2) I don't know how to fix it (is a partial reinstallation possible?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Vinny N

Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2000
Never seen anything quite like that, especially since it occurred with different modems with different interfaces...

2) I don't know how to fix it (is a partial reinstallation possible?)

A partial install of WinME over the top of your current setup should definitely be do-able.
Make sure you've got the exact same key you used before in case it asks again.

You might want to see if anyone else will reply with other ideas though.


Nov 5, 2000
Here's what I've got so far. It seems like the file "unimodem.vxd" in the windows\system\ directory is corrupted or just doesn't like me. When I remove it, the system doesn't crash, but it gives me an error that the modem may not be connected correctly (in a popup box, not a BSOD). When I put the file back in the directory--boom--same error as before, same BSOD. Problem is, I left my copy of Millennium at school (I'm on Christmas break) and I deleted all the CAB files on my drive after I installed Millennium (to install faster off the hard drive vs. the CD). Now, unless Me backs up the CAB files in a Windows directory, I'm SOL for another couple weeks. Anyone know of a source of files like these? Or if I'm completely off base for assuming this is the file? Any response would be greatly appreciated.

Vinny N

Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2000
You shouldn't need the cabs unless the driver you're using is from WinME, then "unimodem.vxd" could be found in the WinME cabs.

Are the modems that you've tried fully support by Win ME according to the specs on the box or the manufacturer's web page? There are definitely devices out there, not limited to modems, that lack ME support, or behave very badly under ME while working perfectly under Windows 95/A/B/C,98FE/SE.


Nov 5, 2000
Downloaded the Unimodem/V files for 95 from the MS site, and everything works fine now. I'm probably missing out on a few features, but at least it works now. Thanks for everyone's help.


Junior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Hi JJL...

While I can't offer a fix I might be able to point you in a possibly right direction.
While enabling file and print sharing on a friends DELL with ME I would get BSOD upon bootup(twice, each time the drivers were loaded, easily bypassed by hitting enter or esc on the keyboard)---The problem ended up being a whole line in the registry missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would've never figured this out by myself but it took dell tech support(six of them to be exact) and their L2's over nine hours to come up with a fix.
So maybe it's a registry problem?
Good luck:disgust::frown::confused: