I'm watching a webinar for project managers on improving communications techniques.
Item 1 was to edit emails to keep them short
Item 2 was to use more bulleted lists instead of long paragraphs
Item 3 was to use memes and gifs to add humor to the message.
I'm asking my ATOT family whether people at work are actually using memes and gifs in their work-related emails. Because where I work, I have never seen it.
Be sure to use a creative font 2! U should use COLORS!
Use Payrus font if available. Impact is good too.
I try the bulleted list thing from time to time. People still only read the first bullet.
And if you keep the emails short, then details are left out, so there's a constant stream of back-and-forth to wring out the necessary information.
It doesn't help much that I can type out a novel of an email in no time flat. 60-100WPM if I've got my thoughts well organized and am able to really start blasting away at the keyboard.
I've started changing my subject lines to things like:
12 Things that must be changed in the last report. Number 3 will make you cry!
"You won't believe how much overtime these people will be asked to put in!"
"5 people who will be unemployed next year. The answer may surprise you."
"2 meetings about things your manager doesn't want you to know about."
"Adorable kitten wants YOU to submit your TPS Report to this inbox."
God damn I feel so dirty now.
I see #3 very, very rarely, but generally only between coworkers at the same level who are relatively close with each other. I sure ain't sending my boss any memes.
And it might not go over well.
I screwed up something with one of our contract manufacturers once that caused a small batch of things to be made incorrectly.
I worked in small joke at some point that referenced Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny.
They somehow did not know of the existence of Looney Tunes, and so
completely failed to understand what I'd said, and up thinking I was insulting their intelligence. I was in fact trying to state that I had screwed up and was accepting blame, and that they'd only done what the incorrect instructions had said to do. Didn't work so well.
Some people do not have "humor" as an available emotion during the workday.