And this is why the Union is in danger.

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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
What forum, Rich?

Troll crap like this is usually only posted by people eager to reinforce their own extreme, insecure partisan viewpoint.

It is either dishonestly staged or a cherry-picked anecdotal extreme which proves NO legitimate point beyond its own sad existence, unless you are desperately predisposed to want it to.

Now, if it were the statement of a national political figure such as Sarah Palin or Nancy Pelosi, it would be relevant and fair game, but what you posted is simply either a throwaway piece of anecdotal detritus, or a cynically staged lie.

Someone over at TFNN posted a link to it because it was incredibly dumb. That's hardly a place of hardcore political hacks. It's more of a curiosity than a statement.

As I've already replied to LL, it's possible it's staged however I have encountered a wide variety of people, some of which expected that they were going to get free stuff. In NY we had a give away last year which was to be for school supplies. Instead HDTVs, smokes and beer flew off the shelves. The only things there was a lot of left over were school supplies. Too many people feel they are entitled to everything they can get.

If it's fake, then Savage deserves a bigger kick in the nuts than he would otherwise merit.

If it's real, then some people are indeed too dumb for words.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Someone over at TFNN posted a link to it because it was incredibly dumb. That's hardly a place of hardcore political hacks. It's more of a curiosity than a statement.

As I've already replied to LL, it's possible it's staged however I have encountered a wide variety of people, some of which expected that they were going to get free stuff. In NY we had a give away last year which was to be for school supplies. Instead HDTVs, smokes and beer flew off the shelves. The only things there was a lot of left over were school supplies. Too many people feel they are entitled to everything they can get.

If it's fake, then Savage deserves a bigger kick in the nuts than he would otherwise merit.

If it's real, then some people are indeed too dumb for words.
Well there are some people too dumb for words.

Recently I came into a monetary windfall, not a fortune but a nice amount. While walking through Costco I noticed some HDTV's that were are a tempting price. While I easily could afford it in the back of my mind the thought that we are still not over this economic crisis and that things could get bad real quick resonated. I didn't need it and I also knew that in case of things going south that this money could be a saving grace. Obviously I'm not the only one thinking like this, although there is more consumer confidence as of late it's still not a booming economy and people are still hunkering down. The vast majority of us understand that the Government isn't going to be able to make things all better without us doing our part no matter what party we support.
Sure there are many fools but they are but a small minority, much smaller than they were before this economic downturn.

No, I'm not worried about the Union. I'm not even worried about the red asses that buy into the bullshit you hear of Savage Nation or those that listen to Faux news or MSNBC. They are just Reactionaries who start to many threads in forums like this.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Ding Ding Ding we have a winner folks, premise granted, the supply of human stupidity is infinite. The only honesty missing from the partisan is to assume only the other side is totally guilty and that no one on their side is not even more nutty.

Say, come to think of it, that great genius Albert Einstein said much the same thing, he may have not proved that the universe was infinite or finite, but he was cock sure human stupidity was infinite.

Pray tell what does one divided by infinity equal and is 3 divided by infinity any bigger? But somehow if you can only achieve 16 divided by infinity, we will all concede that stupidity is only a dimocrat trait.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Someone over at TFNN posted a link to it because it was incredibly dumb.

As, yes, TFNN, where there are more than one out and out bigot racists, including one member of the triad, who might well be a really nice and kind guy in many ways, but who simply can't help his reflexively crude racism from leaking out all too often. Something Puppy, I believe.

In NY we had a give away last year which was to be for school supplies. Instead HDTVs, smokes and beer flew off the shelves. The only things there was a lot of left over were school supplies.

Got a link? I know you don't lie (<---- No sarcasm, Rich doesn't),but I'm really having trouble envisioning a giveaway meant to be primarily for school supplies that somehow included brand new HDTV's, cigarettes and beer. I'd like a primary source, please.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
As, yes, TFNN, where there are more than one out and out bigot racists, including one member of the triad, who might well be a really nice and kind guy in many ways, but who simply can't help his reflexively crude racism from leaking out all too often. Something Puppy, I believe.
Believe it or not the Pups' married to a minority and had children with her:eek: He's just an unabashed asshole, something he revels in:D


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
As, yes, TFNN, where there are more than one out and out bigot racists, including one member of the triad, who might well be a really nice and kind guy in many ways, but who simply can't help his reflexively crude racism from leaking out all too often. Something Puppy, I believe.

Got a link? I know you don't lie (<---- No sarcasm, Rich doesn't),but I'm really having trouble envisioning a giveaway meant to be primarily for school supplies that somehow included brand new HDTV's, cigarettes and beer. I'd like a primary source, please.

I posted it. It was something I saw on Facebook this morning and had a laugh. Hadn't heard of Michael Savage before seeing the link on Facebook.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally Posted by Red Dawn View Post
You think there aren't ignorant motherfuckers on your side of the spectrum? If you don't then you are one of them.

You sound angry.
And it seeming never occurs to Tristcus that Red Dawn and the rest of do have every right to be very angry at the collective stupidity that prevents us from from making all of our lives better in future.

But that is why we are stuck on stupid, we listen to only the stupid and let them set our agenda, and totally ignore the intelligent.

And then we wonder why America is in decline.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Who decides who is intelligent?
Actually, if you are intelligent and think for your self, its pretty damn easy to tell, if you are stupid and think in terms of buzz word slogans, it now explains the weakness of democracy,
because in the land of the stupid, majority rules.

In a democracy, we are no better than our electorate.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
As, yes, TFNN, where there are more than one out and out bigot racists, including one member of the triad, who might well be a really nice and kind guy in many ways, but who simply can't help his reflexively crude racism from leaking out all too often. Something Puppy, I believe.

Nice. All he said was that he got the link from there. Way to use that to take a cheap shot at another forum and its members. I see your douchebagginess knows no bounds.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Nice. All he said was that he got the link from there. Way to use that to take a cheap shot at another forum and its members. I see your douchebagginess knows no bounds.

Well it does make fun of minorities and gays. Of course it's populated by the same. They just don't take each other seriously.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Believe it or not the Pups' married to a minority and had children with her:eek: He's just an unabashed asshole, something he revels in:D

Oh, I believe it, Red. Irl, I've known more than dead nuts, dyed-in-the-wool racist career Navy guy who nevertheless took a Phillipino bride and had children with her.

Here's the deal on the Pup, from where I sit. If, over the years on the internet, you simply can't or won't restrain yourself over and over and over and over and over again from referring to the "neeggers" in the most crudely derisive terms possible, then, guess what, you're probably a bigot racist in a significant part of your heart no matter what else you are.

Crude racism. I don't much cotton to it.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Nice. All he said was that he got the link from there. Way to use that to take a cheap shot at another forum and its members. I see your douchebagginess knows no bounds.
Lol, come on Baldy, you're a serious Douchenozzle yourself. Hell you seem to pride yourself on it being a Jeff Gordon Fan and all. What kind of NASCAR fan who isn't a Douchenozzle is a fan of Jeff Gordon?