i didn't expect this topic to produce so much response, but thank you all.
i was really only trying to get the whole house on the same operating system, and one from the current century at that. I had pre-bought a copy of 7hp and a copy of 7pro. then i replaced my wifes cranky old machine (w2k) with a systemax 2.4 dual core celeron, 4g ram and 320g hd and win7hp for $399 at our local compusa store. the machine in question i would like to employ as a server of some sort. My own machine (well on its way to antique status as well, a q6600 on a p5n32-e sli with a couple of 8800gts cards) will get the 7pro, and i'll just use the 32bit install on the old p4. maybe its a waste to use this copy of 7 on the server machine, but i was using it as a test platform before attempting same on my own machine.
fyi, the systemax is a fine little machine, rock solid, and i got there after trying an even cheaper $350 emachine 1.7g celeron, which could not run the operating system, locked up constantly. since i already had a machine that did that, i returned it for the systemax, and its all the wife could want. and we know how important that can be...
thanks all, and a happy holiday