An Oklahoma state rep proposed legislation that would mandate young men get mandatory vasectomies

Mar 11, 2004
Going far? You realize its not going anywhere and is just a stunt meant to highlight how insane the Republicans pushing all manner of anti abortion and anti-contraception shit are being, while they also claim that its a woman's personal responsibility to wait until she can financially take care of a baby (in a straight, non-mixed-race marriage according to an awful lot of Republicans...), nevermind they don't give a shit if she's raped, let alone if its by her father or brother or anything she should still be forced to make sure that baby is birthed and then provide for it. Or I guess if its white give it up to some rich white family that can't have babies so they can talk about how pious and perfect they are whilst they likely end up sending the child away to a torture camp after they "can't handle it" when it becomes a teenager, which is also alarmingly prevalent.
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Jul 11, 2001
Going far? You realize its not going anywhere and is just a stunt meant to highlight how insane the Republicans pushing all manner of anti abortion and anti-contraception shit are being, while they also claim that its a woman's personal responsibility to wait until she can financially take care of a baby (in a straight, non-mixed-race marriage according to an awful lot of Republicans...), nevermind they don't give a shit if she's raped, let alone if its by her father or brother or anything she should still be forced to make sure that baby is birthed and then provide for it. Or I guess if its white give it up to some rich white family that can't have babies so they can talk about how pious and perfect they are whilst they likely end up sending the child away to a torture camp after they "can't handle it" when it becomes a teenager, which is also alarmingly prevalent.
A member suggested I post this in P&N so I did, not really thinking about it.

Yeah, on second thought a few minutes ago I figured it's a cousin to the Birds Aren't Real put-on thing.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm thinking that irony can only be effective on people with intelligence and a capacity to feel shame.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Satire is lost on you, no?
Missing when satire is being used and being unaffected by it when you are its target are not the same thing, just to be sure nobody thinks my post was aimed at Muse.


Feb 1, 2008
Fine print:
"a mandatory vasectomy that's only reversible when they reach the point of financial and emotional stability"

Closer look:
"financial and emotional stability"

The meaning:
White. White males only.

Intended result:
Black men will never be allowed to qualify for "the vasectomy reversal procedure".
A nice effective way for the white man to control black reproduction.
In the 1940's, they simply used a razor blade.

And that name...
Mickey Dollens. Sure sounds like a KKK ball grabber to me.

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