An interesting polling phenomena....


Oct 9, 1999
Most of the internet polls show Bush ahead. This is to be expected, since the internet savvy are clearly more perceptive, knowledgeable and intelligent than the average voter.

However, some of the gambling and lottery sites also run polls. Guess what? These sites, that offer the hope of getting something for nothing, show Bore ahead in their polls.

Makes sense to me.

Russ, NCNE

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Has it ever occurred to some people that these polls are totally one sided and biased? Maybe it's because many Republicans happen to have $20 extra dollars a month, the computer to hook up with, and the time to vote on these biased rah rah parties?

Walk through your normal sub $20,000 family of four and see if they spend their extra time at night online voting at a republican majoritied website.

Many of the people who are benefited from Democratic programs don't have the money to blow on the resources and time to participate in these polls.

Turn the table and assume that you are a single mother of two working to put food on the table 40 + hours a day and then have to come home and be a mother. I doubt that voting on an online poll is your top priority.

I have no means to turn this into a "well if wasn't for them damn dems.....blah blah...they wouldn't be in that position in the first place" thread. I'm simply saying that do you think that many of the people who would vote democrat have:
a) the computer to hook up to the internet
b) the money to afford a monthly ISP bill
c) a chance to actually go online and vote


Oct 9, 1999

You're absolutely right. Federal Piggy should start a new program so the deprived can have a computer too.

Russ, NCNE


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
Russ, as you know, it does not matter whether a few thousand of his supporters decided to vote for him on an internet poll. An internet poll is based on individual votes. If you look in Time Magazine's latest edition (don't tell me that isn't reputable!) you will see a map of the US with Gore's almost guaranteed states in one color and Bush's in another with a third color for undecided. Gore has about 190 electoral votes in the bag, while Bush has about 140 (I'm sorry, I don't have the exact number because the magazine isn't sitting in front of me) with about 210 left to sort out. Looks like GORE is in the lead actually.



Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
I really wish McCain was the Republican candidate, at least I would be able to respect him if he became President. With Bush, I have absolutely no respect for him and his abilities.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Actually, what annoys me about the polls is this phenomenon -- tell me if you've noticed:

When Gore was in the lead by a couple of percentage points in the polls, the broadcasters loudly proclaim that Gore is in the lead. Now Bush has a small lead in the polls, and I keep hearing the little 'disclaimer' every time they show the polls "remember that there is a margin of error, so this could easily be reversed", or "it's a dead heat, they are neck in neck". How come when Bore was in the small lead it wasn't called "neck in neck", but as soon as the roles are reversed, the media needs to somehow make it seem like Gore is doing better than he is?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
None of the poles matter. Bush is going to loose. he has an albatross towed -230lb helium balloon for a brain. Wait and see.