besides native americans, everyone in the country is an immigrant or a decendant of. don't forget that the western european nations made hanous (i can't spell cause i'm an immigrant) acts of their own terrorism to be able to call america theirs.
blatant racism is wrong. because you are white, and are born in america does not entitle yourself to bash on anyone simply because they are from the middle east about being anti american. people are entitled to opinion, and should feel free to express it. there is a difference between expression and obscenity. please do not cross the line. ^_^
blatant racism is wrong. because you are white, and are born in america does not entitle yourself to bash on anyone simply because they are from the middle east about being anti american. people are entitled to opinion, and should feel free to express it. there is a difference between expression and obscenity. please do not cross the line. ^_^