AMD ATHLON XP Overclocking Questions


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Ive overclocked a Duron 600@ 1Ghz and now have a T-Bird 1.4 @ 1.55. I unlocked both myself. Now when the new XP chips first came out there was fuss going on about not beable to ulock them as easy. Now it seems in time people have found away around it. I just built another PC and swithing out the 1.4 T-Bird to a MSI K7T266 Pro2A board. Now Im going to need another CPU for my main Epox 8KHA+ board again. Ive read some post where the XP 1600 and 1700 are good O/Cers from Newegg. But from the stepping ive also been reading here I dont see those numbers/steppings on neweggs CPU listings. BUT on the XP 1900 does show the AGOGA stepping. Again from reading this seems to be a good overclocker but maybe not the best one? Ive got $120.00 which would be the best CPU to buy from newegg. I would really like to hit 1.8Ghz! :)

Also if anyone has any links to unlocking the XP chips (L1) please post them. I apologize for posting this knowing in around about way a topic similar to his has been posted a million times here! ;) But I?ve never worked with unlocking the XP chips and what there capable of O/C too and which to buy.

Running Win XP
Epox 8KHA+
2-256 DDR 2100 Crucial
SK6 H/S Fan



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
You are looking for AGOIA is later then AGOGA.....

I would get the 1600+ xp oem from newegg for the money for a good hsf!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks for the reply. I take it the SK6 isnt a good H/S and fan anymore? :( I guess I really iam behind. :)


Senior member
Jun 18, 2001
Yeah man head over to Newegg and get an OEM 1600+ like Duvie said (hard to believe he's advocating this) :D

You're basically guaranteed an AROIA or AGOIA, either of which has a high probability of hitting 1.8 GHz. All for under 70 bones.

There are several XP unlocking guides out there... sorry, I used to have a few links in my Favorites but they're gone except one: Tom's Guide. This is as good as any IMO... only, don't pay attention to the 'silver lacquer' stuff... substitute 'rear window defogger' instead.

Edit: Btw if you were wondering, the chip in my sig is an AROIA-Y, week 13 of 2002. Got it from Newegg about 3 weeks ago. I can run it up to 1885 rock stable. That's where mine seems to top out.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Hey...I am fair!!!

I just ordered one for a system I was building for my work pc...I know athlons are better at cadd then their p4 counterpart and I don't oc my work pcs....

Ocing aside it is the sweet spot for the processors...I went retail though when it comes to business pcs...

If I could oc my work pc it would have been a p4...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I need more votes please. I plain on ordering the CPU tomorrow night.

I see on newegg the XP 1600 sells for $68.00 and the XP 1900 sells for $120.00. So you guys honestly think the 1600 XP will O/C more then the XP 1900? Remember the price isnt a issue up to $120.00. I would just hate to buy a XP 1600 and not even get it to O/C as high as the XP 1900! When reading the reviews the XP 1900 stepping AGoGA will do 2000+. I guess since the XP 1600 doesnt show the stepping is what worries me when they show the XP 1900 stepping on newegg.

Reading now on unlocking the L1 bridge. More links on unlocking is still needed too please. :) Im sure to have more questions on the unlocking part after reading more.



Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Hey, Get the 1900+ since you can afford it, and we all know that overclocking is never a certainty as to what you'll acheive ;) BTW, it's good to see you around again :D


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Yea I use to visit more but got kinda upset when Anantech started.....well never mind I dont want to start a flame war. ;)
Anyways it has been awhile and trying to figure out what new CPU I want to buy now. Im guessing it will be the XP 1600 or the 1900. Maybe buy 2 XP 1600 for the price of one XP 1900 and improve my chances of a good o/cer. hehe Ive been reading up on unlocking the L1 bridge tonight. It looks more complex then just using the defogger kit like on the older T-Birds. It looks like now you have to tape off the dots and run super glue or clear finger nail polish all the way down in between the dots. I would think finger nail polish would be easier work with if its as effective. Then let it dry then use the defogger kit and connect each dot to dot. Doing this step 5 times for each 2 dots. Then finding a chart for my mulitpier settings for my bios and CPU. Oh well its a hobby and enjoy doing it! Of course it really helps from the tip/replys I get from you guys! :D

Dont worry I'll KIT!


Senior member
Jan 26, 2000
I just received an OEM AGOIA 1800+ from Newegg yesterday. I'm putting together a new system this weekend, and it will be interesting to see how high it will go.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2002
Skip the 1900+ AGOGA and go for the 1600+. You should get an AROIA or at least an AGOIA. Maybe something even later than AROIA, since that's what newegg shipped me a month or so ago.

-use window defogger kit & gel-type superglue (also from NAPA)
-mask the L1 laser holes horizontally -- one piece of tape over L1 contacts above, one over L1 contacts below
-fill the holes with superglue
-scrape away the excess with a credit card
-now you are ready to connect
-mask below first, you will pull this tape after you're done
-*mask to the left and right of the bridge you want to connect
-make sure the tape is very very close together (narrow channel to paint in)
-paint away
-wait a couple minutes for it to dry
-remove tape to left & right (leave tape below)
-repeat from * to here for each bridge
-pull the tape below
-use a pushpin to scrape a path if any paint traces have connected
-use a multimeter to ensure bridges are connected where they should be and not cross-connected
-wrap wire or paper clips around the multimeter probes if they are too large (good chance they will be)

Should take 20-30 minutes. Oh, if you mess up any traces, use isopropyl alcohol and cotton swaps to clean up. Scrub it pretty good and it will all come off. I had to redo a couple.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Nice post jaybee!

BTW if you dont mind what speed is your XP 1600 running. Also Multiplier and FSB speed?


Senior member
Apr 5, 2002
Originally posted by: BuckMaster
Nice post jaybee!

BTW if you dont mind what speed is your XP 1600 running. Also Multiplier and FSB speed?

I'm hindered right now I think by my cooling -- I've got a hsf rated only for 1700+. I thought I was going to turn around and sell the system, but it's turned out to be plenty fast (a couple hundred points shy of 10k 3dmarks in 2001SE) so I kept it.

Anyway, I'm running my old PC133 with an Abit KT7a, delivering 1.82v actual (1.85v indicated), running at 140x12. Completely stable. It runs somewhat at 1750MHz, and seems fine at 1720 until I run Prime95. My cheapo cooler is a Speeze Big Rock II -- it was $7 and supposedly quiet. Load temps are 52-54C, with a room temp of 23-24C and system of 27-29C. I wish I could get a little more voltage to that sucker, but my only option is a board mod and it's really not worth it.

I've got to open my machine up to do a few things, and I figure while I'm in there I'll check the northbridge hsf. I've heard that with these boards (or chipset?), northbridge overheating can be a problem. I'm hoping that's why I can't run over 140fsb reliably, because my memory is PC150. I was really hoping to run at 160fsb. 160x10.5 would have been nice -- now I'd settle for another 5-8MHz fsb.

So that's my setup. I feel with good cooling and more voltage I could run at least 1800MHz reliably, but at $160 for cpu, mobo, and hsf, this is a great upgrade over my Slot A setup.


PS I almost went for a PIV setup -- mobo, cpu, and memory for about $450. I've got probably 80% of the performance for a third of the cost.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It does seem your H/S Fan is holding you back from more. I also replaced the stock HS/Fan on my boards chipset and like you said that could very well help get more stable at higher FSB setting.

Welp Im holding off one more day before ordering. Ive decided to go with a XP 1600 and a AX-7 H/S and I a 80MM speed control fan that just arrived with blue leds in the center. Should look pretty cool :D I know the Thermalright SLK-800 would be better but I think the AX-7 will do me fine.