Originally posted by: Lithan
Originally posted by: JeReMY
Athlon 64=1600 mhz fsb, better for games, 64 bit
Pentium 4=800 mhz fsb, better for encrypting/decrypting, extracting, 32 bit
P4 isn't better for 32bit, even in 32bit benches AMD on average is in the lead.
"neither has the reviews that show AMD gives you 5-10 better FPS in Doom 3 "
Ok, I'm gonna say this; If any benchmark shows a cpu giving you an extra 10fps over the competition at the settings you play at... BUY THAT PROCESSOR. A cpu upgrade raising FPS by 10 in a current game @ playable settings (none of the 640x480 crap) is insane.
And bittorrents and mp3's put negligible strain on the processor. You might as well ask for benches of just Encoding and gaming. Which intel would obviously win (assuming you don't adjust windows process management). But again, if you are encoding while you game, you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.