i got IMed a couple of days ago from aimconsultant88 i think that was his nick. i saved the conversation for later..
aimconsultant88: Hello I am your AOL AIM consultant ThEcOWWaTchEr. I can help you with any questions you have about AOL AIM. Do you have any?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: yes
aimconsultant88: Go on please.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: how much $ does aol get for each click of the banners on AIM?
aimconsultant88: AOL recieves ten cents per click on a banner. Any other questions?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: yes
ThEcOwWaTchEr: how much $ do you make?
aimconsultant88: I make 12 dollars per hour.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: o really
aimconsultant88: Any nore questions?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: yes
ThEcOwWaTchEr: how can i get a job with AOL?
aimconsultant88: Are you eighteen years of age?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: umm when i turn 18 how can i get a jon with AOL
aimconsultant88: You may apply through a letter sent to random houses on a rotation of recievers based stricktly on location. In other words, we come to you.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: o really
aimconsultant88: Any more questions?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: yes
ThEcOwWaTchEr: can i warn you even though you work for
ThEcOwWaTchEr: AOL?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: i mean is it possible
aimconsultant88: You may but I have unlimited screen names and I am only hear to help.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: not will i do it
ThEcOwWaTchEr: ok
ThEcOwWaTchEr: do you get kicked off when you get warned to 100%?
aimconsultant88: No messeage reception becomes more diffuicult
ThEcOwWaTchEr: how?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: is it more dificult?
aimconsultant88: Message reception time is increased by fifteen seconds. When some one types a message, it will take 15 seconds longer to recieve.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: o
aimconsultant88: Will you please take a survey?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: ok
ThEcOwWaTchEr: for what?
aimconsultant88: What is your first name?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: Brian
ThEcOwWaTchEr: u?
aimconsultant88: Thank you, and your screen name?
aimconsultant88: Robert
ThEcOwWaTchEr: thats a dumb question
ThEcOwWaTchEr: you can see my SN
aimconsultant88: Ok may i verify your password (optional)
ThEcOwWaTchEr: you mean tell me what you think it is?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: i dont know if i even remember it
aimconsultant88: No, please type your password so that i know it is yours and you are the owner of this screen name.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: i own it
ThEcOwWaTchEr: theres people on that can tell you i own it
aimconsultant88: This is optional but I am not allowed to believe you unless you verify it
ThEcOwWaTchEr: so do you know what it is?
aimconsultant88: Yes
ThEcOwWaTchEr: what is it
aimconsultant88: I can not tell you because this may not be the owner of the screen name I am speaking to.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: o
aimconsultant88: Do you wish to verify? Yes or No?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: is that why you messaged me, because you dont think i own the SN?
aimconsultant88: No, to ask you if you had any questions and for you to take the survey.
ThEcOwWaTchEr: o
ThEcOwWaTchEr: no
ThEcOwWaTchEr: next question?
aimconsultant88: The survey has ended. (It can not continue without password.) Thankyou
ThEcOwWaTchEr: o
aimconsultant88: The next questions are personal therefore require password
ThEcOwWaTchEr: how many questions are there if i tell you my password?
aimconsultant88: There are six more questions.
aimconsultant88: If you do not wish to complete the survey, I must leave, do you wish to complete the survey?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: not if i have to give you my password?
ThEcOwWaTchEr: bye
the guy IMed me a couple more times a few days later so i blocked him.