Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
A little bit about Dr. Balling...
The case of Dr. Robert Balling is equally intriguing. A geographer by training, much of Balling's research focused on hydrology, precipitation, water runoff and other Southwestern water and soil-related issues until he was solicited by Western Fuels. Balling has since emerged as one of the most visible and prolific of the climate-change skeptics.
Since 1991, Balling has received, either alone or with colleagues, nearly $300,000 from coal and oil interests in research funding, which he also disclosed for the first time at the Minnesota hearing. In his collaborations with Sherwood Idso, Balling has received about $50,000 from Cyprus, $80,000 from German Coal and $75,000 from British Coal Corp. Two Kuwaiti government foundations have given him a $48,000 grant and unspecified consulting fees and have published his 1992 book, "The Heated Debate," in Arabic. The book was originally published by a conservative think tank, the Pacific Research Institute, one of whose goals is the repeal of environmental regulations.
I don't see how that should invalidate any scientist's beliefs. It shouldn't really matter where scientists get their funding from. You can be funded by the Nazis but still provide legitimate scientific data. If we invalidate the scientific findings of those who were funded by private industry, why can we not invalidate the findings of those related to environmental groups, government, etc?
This is actually a good example of what I'm talking about. Scientists are being demonized for their research. A climate of fear is being produced to silence scientific thought. It's very similar to pro-Creationists. Or the persecution of Galileo. Kyotoism is the new religion suppressing thought.
Michael Lindzen published an interesting article about this. Climate of Fear - Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into silence.
Alarm rather than genuine scientific curiosity, it appears, is essential to maintaining funding. And only the most senior scientists today can stand up against this alarmist gale, and defy the iron triangle of climate scientists, advocates and policymakers.
Does this mean that we must disregard the scientific findings of alarmist scientists because their findings give them financial security and funding? Of course not. Legitimate scientists are scientists by education and research, not whether their findings support your view or who funded them.