AK GOP blocks non-Romney delegates.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Without any links - this may be another one of your nightmares.

Results for Alaska Republican Caucus (U.S. Presidential Primary)
Mar 06, 2012 (100% of precincts reporting)
Mitt Romney 4,554 32.2%
Rick Santorum 4,254 30.1%
Ron Paul 3,410 24.1%
Newt Gingrich 1,878 13.3%
Other 39 0.3%
Source: AP
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Dec 18, 2010
There is a really simple answer to this problem, stop voting for the democrats and republicians.

Stop paying attention to the two major parties, and start paying attention to a party of your choosing.

Nobody said you "have" to vote for either of the major two parties.


Jun 2, 2000
There is a really simple answer to this problem, stop voting for the democrats and republicians.

Stop paying attention to the two major parties, and start paying attention to a party of your choosing.

Nobody said you "have" to vote for either of the major two parties.

Why do you brush the Democratic Party with the same broad brush? The GOP recently has become the poster child for corrupt and manipulative primary practices where there is not a scintilla of evidence the Dems ever do this. In fact I would point out 2008-when an upstart ran against and beat the party favorite/heir apparent in a closely fought series of primaries-as a prime example of a hard fought but fair process.

Makes you wonder about the GOP's obsession with so-called election reform, doesn't it?


Dec 18, 2010
Why do you brush the Democratic Party with the same broad brush?

Bill Clinton and his flip/flop on free trade

Over the past 2 decades, both democrap presidents have been an embarrassment to this nation.

~ EDIT ~

Lets not forget Waco and Ruby Ridge, and the investigations after both.
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Jun 2, 2000
Bill Clinton and his flip/flop on free trade

Over the past 2 decades, both democrap presidents have been an embarrassment to this nation.

~ EDIT ~

Lets not forget Waco and Ruby Ridge, and the investigations after both.

What does any of these have to do with election fraud/manipulation? That is the issue being discussed here, not whether you support the platforms of any particular party.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
This is pissing me off. Why is the GOP always shifting the rules around in Romney's favor?

Dr. Paul was the victim of some similar BS in LA in 2008, so it doesn't surprise me, but I don't get how they could think Romney's so good.

There's nothing new going on here, last election cycle our county GOP was taken to court for basically the same thing, just differing tactics. The results from court were in the Paul delegates favor, and it showed this year at the county convention.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
There's nothing new going on here, last election cycle our county GOP was taken to court for basically the same thing, just differing tactics. The results from court were in the Paul delegates favor, and it showed this year at the county convention.
Thanks:) I kind of don't get why the R.E. wants some retard who may not win over a true conservative who would, without a doubt, hand Obama's ass to him and make this country good once and for all.


Dec 18, 2010
What does any of these have to do with election fraud/manipulation? That is the issue being discussed here, not whether you support the platforms of any particular party.

Because this is not true election fraud. The OP is complaining about the internal workings of a political party.

The people running during the primary are not being voted into office. The true elections happen in November.


May 24, 2004
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Feb 3, 2007

Super Moderator


The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign condemned today the efforts of the Alaska Republican Party and its chairman Randy Reudrich to disenfranchise Paul and other non-Romney delegates to the party&#8217;s upcoming state convention. In doing so, the Paul campaign also announced that it will utilize all legal tools at its disposal to prevent or reverse the state party&#8217;s illegal efforts to omit non-Romney delegates to the convention.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Ron Paul campaign condemns Alaska GOP exclusion of all non-Romney delegates

Without the party controllers pulling bullshit, this race would probably still have Santorum in it as he's the religious rights guy. Can't/couldn't have just been Paul getting the ring around. Seriously either the Republican established elite are idiots or they've engineered their elections to throw the Presidential election. No way Romney beats Obama.
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Jun 2, 2000
Can't agree with you on Santorum-even if the GOP ran a level playing field (ie, openly disclosed rules well in advance, uniform rules and practices statewide, etc) Santorum showed an amazing level of incompetence handling the simple mechanical aspects of a campaign. Over and over again he failed to timely get on ballots and/or get slates qualified before the primary vote.

Frankly, you teaparty types and libertarians have to decide whether the GOP really deserves your support. For the last hundred years it has been a top-down controlled party, and frankly the people that control it now are NOT ever going to give up control.


Feb 3, 2007
Can't agree with you on Santorum-even if the GOP ran a level playing field (ie, openly disclosed rules well in advance, uniform rules and practices statewide, etc) Santorum showed an amazing level of incompetence handling the simple mechanical aspects of a campaign. Over and over again he failed to timely get on ballots and/or get slates qualified before the primary vote.

Frankly, you teaparty types and libertarians have to decide whether the GOP really deserves your support. For the last hundred years it has been a top-down controlled party, and frankly the people that control it now are NOT ever going to give up control.

He was crazy, but he would have carried enough pull to still be in this race up until this point if it hasn't been so rigged in Romney's favor by those running the Party and their branches. I'm not even a Santorum supporter, I don't like him much or his politics.


Senior member
Feb 24, 2011
I believe a huge problem is the '08 ruling which now allows corporations to contribute ridiculous amounts of $$$.

Santorum was a complete nut with ideas just as crazy as anyone else, though way more detrimental to our freedoms.

Romney, actually believes in Mormonism or is practically a Scientologist just using his religion for personal gain. Either way, screw him - and the corporations who back him and Obama simultaneously. I don't believe he'll do anything different, and won't help this country whatsoever.

I personally don't think it's possible to pick a proper leader for this country given the system they have to make it through first.

I choose Paul if only for his anti-militaristic stance, honesty, and un-weilding beliefs. His damaging stances, such as gold standard, would never make it anywhere close to being put into play so I don't worry about that much. He has problems, but in my eyes they're miniscule to the issues I see with the other candidates.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
Though I doubt Paul pulls out some miracle at the convention (he would have to have a brokered convention) he is doing without question much better this go around if only because his supporters do not ever go anywhere else once they side with him.

Dr. Paul is trying to save the Republican party and return it to the Goldwater era which like it or not is happening. libertarian Republicans have taken over a hell of a lot of local parties and in come cases completely taken them over throwing everyone out.

Anyone who says Paul is a non-factor this election or in general is delusional.

Paul is still campaigning, still raising money and still drawing absolutely huge crowds reminiscent of Obama in '08. The only reason people have doubts or what have you is because the media has all but blacked him out. There really is no conspiracy to be had, its true.

I debate tons of people all the time ranging from hardcore neoconservatives to liberals and for the most part I can convert any neocon and at least get the liberals to understand Paul's stances generally favoring him, just not over an Obama or Clinton. That's where Paul's strength comes from, being able to pull people from all walks of life and all political spectrums.



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Jun 2, 2000
nextJin: even a brokered convention wouldn't help Paul. Current GOP rules require the nominee to win at least five states, he hasn't won even one.

Until you libertarians take over control of the GOP and start rigging the rules your way (or at least go to impartial, honest rules) you are doing nothing but working for the one percenters-they control your party and TYVM for your votes and support by throwing you some meaningless lip service.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
nextJin: even a brokered convention wouldn't help Paul. Current GOP rules require the nominee to win at least five states, he hasn't won even one.

Until you libertarians take over control of the GOP and start rigging the rules your way (or at least go to impartial, honest rules) you are doing nothing but working for the one percenters-they control your party and TYVM for your votes and support by throwing you some meaningless lip service.

That's basically what is trying to be done with the liberty movement and I am well aware of what the rules are. We are only a little over the half way mark but I very much doubt Paul will win any states. If he were to win California or Texas anything is possible leading into other states but with zero coverage and the GOP pushing hard for Romney it's irrelevant. What they are trying to do is change the platform over the next decade which if recent events is any indication will actually happen albeit slowly.

I'm not sure why people say the GOP is openly for the 1%, the majority of Democrats and Republicans are supported by that 1%.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
The Dr. Paul nonsense has gone far enough already.

Damn right, every good GOP piglet knows they need to rally behind the chosen candidate, even if it means going down with the sinking ship behind a candidate no one wants, and can not win, brilliant.