ahh! Computer completely useless, please please help!


Senior member
Jun 7, 2000
Here is what happened, went home from school friday afternoon, roomate used computer over weekend (he said nothing weird happened), when I came back sunday, computer would not boot, he said it locked up, so he rebooted, when it got to the login screen, it would reboot automatically, it did this several times, so he shut it off. When I tried it, it would get to the first win2k white load bar with the black background and say a file was missing, could not even get in from safe mode.
I then reformatted my hard drive, reinstalled win2k, installed sp2, via 4 in 1, vid drivers, then..after that, about one minute into windows the computer completely locks up. It does this every time. Annoyed, I shut the computer off...only to find that IT TURNS ITSELF BACK ON!! it does this at random intervals, but it kept doing it for a few hours, so I pulled the plug and that is where it sits now...doess anyone have ANY IDEAS??
Please help!!


Apr 5, 2001
I have an idea. Get your roommate drunk and throw him out of a 3rd story window. Or, don't get him drunk and throw him out of a 4th story window. Oh, take his wallet first, assuming he has any money.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
okay, if you reformatted the hard-drive and are still having problems, chances are the problems are in the hardware. clear the CMOS, look at all the hardware and connections, make sure nothing is broken, missing, dented, chipped, etc., and hope for the best....


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Pyramix is giving you good advice here. You can rule out a software problem after the format. It could be a BIOS problem like he mentions, or it could be a component. Crack open the box and check out the usual suspects. CPU, HSF, connections, seating of components. As you're looking around in there take some deep sniffs...smell anything burnt? Did he put weed into your computer? Was it a compu-bong? I've seen worse in college...


Senior member
Jun 7, 2000
Thanks for the help guys, I am not mad at my roomate, I know it wasnt his fault, it had been acting weird lately anyay. I will crack her open and look at the obvious stuff.
Did I hear someplace that a bad PSU could cause a computer to turn on by itself also? I swear I heard that once, but maybe not.
Maybe this will just be a good excuse to get a new computer ;)


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 1999
Clear the CMOS\BIOS as said.

Make sure that you have the "wake on lan" settings set to OFF. That will cause the computer to not shut off even though it goes through the shutdown.

I would be VERY curious why your roomate was tinkering in your BIOS.

Also..... you should check your system using a different keyboard. Perhaps your roomie spilled a lil MGD on it.... :)