Advice on server room


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2004
My company is moving to a larger office and I am going to get a nice size room for all the server equipment. Since we are remodeling the new building I get to decide what we will require in the new room as far as electrical, air conditioning, and security requirements. Anyone have suggestions for what would make a perfect server room? I just want to get ideas so I don't end up wishing I had something after its built.


Jun 12, 2004
Not that I have designed any server rooms, but of the ones I have worked in I would put in a raised floor if possible. This better for cooling and wiring.


May 27, 2004
Raised floor, generator for back up power supply ... ideally dual everything ... A/C system, power equipment ... if you connect to remote sites, 2 lines to each site(each going a different route to get to the other site). you should start reading at any of a number of sites that could offer you better, more detailed information.

Good luck.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
I do not work in this yet, but my father is a sysadmin, so I pretty much have to help out every now and then, not being old, blind and stiff-jointed :).

-AC, AC, AC. Quite a bit of ventilation will be needed. You want the best circulation possible. Being the first room from the AC unit will be good, or better yet, if you can get them to install AC in the server room. If AC is minimal, or goes down, there's no way you can keep more than a handful of machines running in the room without doing a lot of work (moving racks, getting box fans, and praying). AC going out can and will be lethal to a server room.
-You'll need plenty of power per receptical. A few big UPS units need to be powered, and that should be it as far as going from the servers to the wall.

Security will really be the big boss's concern, and may vary depending on what boxes are used for what.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2004
A little physcial security wouldn't hurt. Throw a card access system on the doors, maybe a motion detector or two, and room temperature monitors, connected to a monitoring service.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2004
the server room with the company i use to work for = we kept it around 60 Faren. keep the room temps cool = it helps.
make sure which ever room it is, have the proper amount of amperage breakers to run whatever amount of machines your pushing.

if your setup is cable/ pick a corner and have the mess organized within that corner.... = RACK IT UP and zip ties are your best friend, dont forget port labels....

depending on how many servers and the importance of those servers... instead of have 4 boxes/ screens and keyboards... get a port box = 1 screen, mouse and keyboard to 4 servers... space server!

security of the server room = this one is based on the company and the location of the room. definately ensure only individuals who actually know what they are doing has access to the room. you wouldnt want the head of the hr dept unplugging the inet access router because of the pretty lights (and you found out that hpeened because 20 people called within 5mins about the inet being down).

your servers are probably never going to be powered off. look into the proper cooling for those PC's. servers/components get hot!

it may also help to have the room sealed air tight (if you can) to avoid a major dust build up = that will save in the long run of cleaning up within the room and WITHIN the server/PC cases....

theres a lot to consider in desiging a server room. have fun!


Senior member
Apr 28, 2004
I just finish a really large server room..

1. Power, whats the actual server you're going to use... find from your server specs, amps & watts

2. BTU, most of my 2U rack server are 644 BTU/Hr, find from your server specs also

Amperage - Most server room are like 200 AMP but only 75% usable.. by law (state)

Rack power PDU - power distribution units. Some use 20 AMP twist lock, mine use 2 seperate circuit for redudant power, so 2 20AMP per rack powers 4 PDU. Each PDU has about 10 outlets, you can buy whatever you want.

1 Ton of AC is 12,000 BTU

No Raise floor = cable ladder racks

On patch panel, dont use 1U cable management, it runs out fast, use 2U


Junior Member
Aug 22, 2004
Thanks for the advice. That also brings up another question. We have never had any rack mount equipment, we just have a mess of wires and computers. Using this opportunity of moving to a new building, I would like to have everything rack mounted and well organized. Any recomendations of brands or types of racks. I have just started gathering information so anyone elses experience is appreciated.