Advice on monitors for dual setup


Junior Member
Jan 7, 2005
I just got the 910T today..... It is wonderful, I went from CRT and I am never going back. It also has pretty thin edges for dual setup.
Coming from a 19" CRT to a 19" LCD, I was surprised how much bigger the 19" LCD screen is. The colors are great, I'd say better than my crt for sure, but that thing sucked. As for ghosting, I haven't done extensive testing, but playing NFSU 2 today I noticed alittle ghosting when switching from car to car. In game, though, I saw very little after doing a few races. Hope that helps


Junior Member
Dec 15, 2004
I must say I ended up buying one Dell 2001fp and I am very pleased with the output. The gap is not that big unless you put two monitors in portraid mode. In that case the botton frame is a little oversized to be used as portraid mode. If I get a second monitor i will probably run one in portraid and the other in landscape (not sure if this is posibble but willing tro try.)