When I was attempting to dial in an optimized OC it was truly a frustrating pain in the ass process to have a built-in 1min reboot cycle time everytime I needed to restart the rig.
Thats about right... or when you are reinstalling windows?
1. Install times are much shorter.
2. You have to reboot a ton of times AFTER install... multiple times for windows updates, and then once per driver and once per major program... you can choose to skip them, but if you do there is a risk of windows not boot up and you have to reinstall again.
but normal day to day? its a big meh, and I use sleep mode anyways... soon we will have a sleep/hibernate hybrid mode that should reduce the need to reboot even further. (computer goes to sleep AND saves the ram state... if the computer loses power while in sleep mode, it will come out of hibernation, if it comes out of sleep mode, it undoes hibernation.)