Access question - Outer Joins from multiple tables/queries


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2003
Im working on an access project and have run into a problem, I've torn my hair out for hours trying to get it to work but havent yet. Lets say i have 3 tables: Students, Class and Ratings.
Each have an ID column that links to the other.

Ratings structure:
StudentID, ClassID, Rating1, Rating2, Rating3, Rating4, Rating5

I want to insert ratings, but the rows do not exist yet. Basically for each studentid and class id combinations i want to be able to update the ratings. I cant seem to figure it out because using outer joins you cant have two or it becomes ambiuous. In the end I want to have a drop down of all students, a dropdown of all classes, select the two and then fill in or update the ratings.

If you need me to be more descriptive just say so, I'll see if i can explain better.