Your biggest challenge getting your BH6 to run at 133MHz FSB will be cooperation from your other components, namely your hard drive and video card. At 133MHz your HD will be running off a 44MHz PCI bus, and that's quite a bit out of the PCI 33MHz spec. Your video card will be pumping at 89MHz, and again, that's quite a bit out of the AGP spec of 66MHz. Thirdly, your memory had better be up to the challenge too.
Now that I've cast doom on your question, you can be reasonably assured that your board, w/ the SS BIOS update (if it's a rev1.0x board) or SP BIOS update (if it's a rev1.1 board) will run that P!!!-800 fine. And, you can experiment w/ some of the FSB settings below 133. Good luck.