Hi...I have A7V133 mobo with a V5 5500 pci card...
Using Bios 1.004
I initially built the system and used bios 1.002a but had memory problems with my mosel vitellic ram...bios 1.004 fixed this.
Here is an observation I have noticed...
Bios 1.004 seems to cause a conflict with the beta 1.04(W9x/Me) drivers date 11/21/00 last beta from 3dfx when set to via chipset(in advanced features) performance or bios default my system locksup if you try to use hardware acceleration.....
I also found if I had my extra 2 usb ports attached to mobo and had the via chipset on compatable(only way it will work for me)...got lockups...disconnected the extra 2 usb ports...ok now. This maybe an IRQ problem my V5 5500 is in slot 4...I will move it to slot5(slot 1 is my nic and slot 3 is sb live)
I believe with bios 1.002a and max speed of 1380 I could use ther performance setting with via chipset...but not with bios 1.004
I wonder has anyone else noted this???...if you are having problems with V5 and bios 1.004 try to change the via chipset tab in 3dfx advanced features
BTW with bios 1.004 I seem to run now at 1400(10x140 or 9.5 x 147) with no registry errors.
Using Bios 1.004
I initially built the system and used bios 1.002a but had memory problems with my mosel vitellic ram...bios 1.004 fixed this.
Here is an observation I have noticed...
Bios 1.004 seems to cause a conflict with the beta 1.04(W9x/Me) drivers date 11/21/00 last beta from 3dfx when set to via chipset(in advanced features) performance or bios default my system locksup if you try to use hardware acceleration.....
I also found if I had my extra 2 usb ports attached to mobo and had the via chipset on compatable(only way it will work for me)...got lockups...disconnected the extra 2 usb ports...ok now. This maybe an IRQ problem my V5 5500 is in slot 4...I will move it to slot5(slot 1 is my nic and slot 3 is sb live)
I believe with bios 1.002a and max speed of 1380 I could use ther performance setting with via chipset...but not with bios 1.004
I wonder has anyone else noted this???...if you are having problems with V5 and bios 1.004 try to change the via chipset tab in 3dfx advanced features
BTW with bios 1.004 I seem to run now at 1400(10x140 or 9.5 x 147) with no registry errors.