A7V, very picky about ram?


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
I'm wondering if all the crashes I have been getting are because of a bad mb, a bad cpu, bad power supply, bad heatsink/fan, or a bad power supply.

I ordered a new heatsink/fan and a new ps(both which are top of the line, and I spared no expense on them), but I can't just go out and by the very very best ram without breaking the bank, I mean damn, I make $6 an hour...

So, I would like to know what the best ram for the money is, from someone that is running the a7v, so I can purchase it(and if that doesn't clear up all the crash probs I can use the ram on another system I am currently building). I would like name brand, pc133, 128 megs worth, with a lifetime guarentee.

Any suggestions?


Golden Member
Oct 27, 1999
why don't you post your system's configurations here...

so far...i have no problem at all with my asua a7v.....
T-Bird 750 oc 1100 w/ FOP32-1 (also had a Duron 650 oc 900 before)
256mb Micron PC-133 SDRAM
Matrox G400 32mb DH
SB Live
3Com 3C905B
IBM 75gxp 30gb
Pioneer 10X IDE DVD-ROM
Antec KS282 w/ 300w Power (was using another Antec case w/ 250W before)


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
I don't see what system configuration details are going to do, because I am just wondering what the best ram is for that motherboard, but here it is:

asus a7v picky pile 'o crap
800 mhz thunderbird
64 megs generic pc100(I had better ram.. but still generic... don't ask what happened to it...)
Geforce 2 mx (Asus V7100)
Win98 SE
300 watt generic power supply
16x pioneer dvd 115 (ide dvd drive)
Diamond monster sound mx300
Maxtech xpv56p (modem)
Netgear 10/100 lan card
generic heatsink/fan
wd 20.5 7200 rpm hd
yeah, and everything is updated with the newest drivers, painstakingly I might ad.. and then reinstalled again... more painstakingly...



Golden Member
Oct 27, 1999
I think your problem is your sound card or vga card..
there are some reports about au8830 and kt133 can't co-exit..
and others report problem with their geforce and kt133..

i think your ram should be fine..
why don't you take out the sound card and run your system for a while
and see if you still has all the crashes..

oh..you might want to monitor the cpu temp...don't let it go over 55c..


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2000
I am using the Kingston KVR VC133 128mb ram (see sig) and have been very pleased. Expect to pay $150 for quality RAM.

Other top notch RAM: Corsair, Micron, Mushkin but $$$

You might want to go Here for more tips on A7V tweaking and problem solving. Many of these guys over there are putting the sound card in slot 3 and nothing in slot 1 and 2 to ease IRQ issues. There are some good bios issues covered over there also.



Junior Member
Sep 26, 2000
Not sure if this will help... Does your system lock up? Mine does.
Somebody sent this to me today. I'm going to try it tonight.

>Did you try setting "System Performance Settings" to Normal and
>"Byte Merge" to disabled in BIOS?

>Fixed the freezing problem for me and others.

Good luck



Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2000
I have installed MX300 sound cards in a couple of TYAN Trinity KT mobos with Durons, and have had no problem with them. I used the Vortex AU8830 drivers version 4.06.2048, not the ones on the install CD.

EDIT: I also put GeForce DDR's in them, no problems.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000

I bought a new heatsink/fan and the fan didn't turn. I assumed the fan was bad, but just to make sure today(i got the hs/fan in the mail about 3 days ago and already am in the process of RMA)I checked it in my other system. The fan turned real nice and fast... at which point I shouted obsenities that you make sailors think less of me and would have Howard Stern blushing... well it turns out the cpu fan pins and the 3 other places that could have powered up my cpu fan must be bad. And since they are all bad, and I have had nothing but problems in my system, I must assume that the motherboard is the cause for all my problems, Bottom Line. Well, the purchase date on the mb was 8-17 and the place only gives exchanges for 1 month after buying the item. Today being sunday, I have been unable to contact them.