A Secret Scandal And Dirty Tricks


Apr 15, 2001
Story here.

Hillary's camp claims to have "damaging" information on Obama. I say let her put up or shut up.

This thread never went anywhere and nothing has shown up regarding anything but innuendo.

The commentary, given the OP's stances is worthless.


Senior Anandtech Moderator
Common Courtesy


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
From the article:

Just days after increasingly acrimonious exchanges in Thursday?s Democratic debate, agents of Mrs Clinton were quoted as saying that they had obtained unspecified ?scandalous information? about Mr Obama.

His campaign responded furiously over the weekend, challenging Mrs Clinton either to make the information public ?or concede the truth that there is none?. Mr Obama, who is standing on a platform of changing Washington?s adversarial culture, accused the Democratic front-runner of using ?Swift Boat? tactics of ?innuendo and insinuation? similar to those deployed in the 2004 race when John Kerry?s Vietnam war record as a Swift Boat captain was smeared.
But Howard Wolfson, Mrs Clinton?s spokesman, protested that she had ?no idea? what the claim ? reported by the conservative columnist Robert Novak ? was all about. He suggested that Mr Obama had shown his naivety by falling for an old right-wing trick: ?A Republican-leaning journalist runs a blind item designed to set Democrats against one another. Experienced Democrats see this for what it is. Others get distracted and thrown off their games,? Mr Wolfson said.

So far, all you've got is smoke and the stench of a traitor like Robert Novak. Come back when you've got facts, or STFU.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Harvey
So far, all you've got is smoke and the stench of a traitor like Robert Novak. Come back when you've got facts, or STFU.

I'm not making any claims, Harvey.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: Harvey
So far, all you've got is smoke and the stench of a traitor like Robert Novak. Come back when you've got facts, or STFU.

I'm not making any claims, Harvey.

Then what is this thread all about, to spread inneundo?

Mod's, I vote to lock it up!!! No personal commentary and now he claims he's not making any claims. :laugh:


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
I'm not making any claims, Harvey.

Then please explain what your title and subtitle mean.

Topic Title: A Secret Scandal And Dirty Tricks
Topic Summary: The Clinton Machine Starts The Mud Flying

I don't see anything in them or your post where you distance yourself from the assertion of the title and a subtitle that's a declarative statement associating Clinton and flying mud. :roll:


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Harvey
I don't see anything in them or your post where you distance yourself from the assertion of the title and a subtitle that's a declarative statement associating Clinton and flying mud. :roll:

The assertion is not made by me...


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Then what is this thread all about, to spread inneundo?

Mod's, I vote to lock it up!!! No personal commentary and now he claims he's not making any claims. :laugh:

Please go troll your own threads.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Then what is this thread all about, to spread inneundo?

Mod's, I vote to lock it up!!! No personal commentary and now he claims he's not making any claims. :laugh:

Please go troll your own threads.

so, would you care to offer more than "I say let her put up or shut up?" and "troll?"


Oct 11, 1999
They talked about this a bit on Meet the Press...

Dunno what to say, seems no damaging info was released, just rumors.

It's interesting how close Hillary, Obama & Edwards are in the Iowa race...


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
The assertion is not made by me...

Your title and subtitle without further clarification makes it yours.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Then what is this thread all about, to spread inneundo?

Mod's, I vote to lock it up!!! No personal commentary and now he claims he's not making any claims. :laugh:

Please go troll your own threads.

so, would you care to offer more than "I say let her put up or shut up?" and "troll?"

Why? There are other threads here you can police as well. Might want to check out the thread about how evul fox news is because they cover stories about sex. Good luck officer!


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Then what is this thread all about, to spread inneundo?

Mod's, I vote to lock it up!!! No personal commentary and now he claims he's not making any claims. :laugh:

Please go troll your own threads.


Like this is a "seriolus" thread?? :laugh:

Please stop, I need to catch my breath. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2005
Doesn't anyone find it odd and strange and pathetic that the people who are running to become president, both democrats and republicans, fight like little school children? These are the people we want in the White House? I wish there were other options. These people are the bottom of the barrel. They represent the worst that America has, and yet they are the ones running to lead America. Maybe they really do represent us...


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: spittledip
Doesn't anyone find it odd and strange and pathetic that the people who are running to become president, both democrats and republicans, fight like little school children? These are the people we want in the White House? I wish there were other options. These people are the bottom of the barrel. They represent the worst that America has, and yet they are the ones running to lead America. Maybe they really do represent us...

Yep, and we continue to vote for them, pretty sad isn't it?


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Then what is this thread all about, to spread inneundo?

Mod's, I vote to lock it up!!! No personal commentary and now he claims he's not making any claims. :laugh:

Please go troll your own threads.

so, would you care to offer more than "I say let her put up or shut up?" and "troll?"

Why? There are other threads here you can police as well. Might want to check out the thread about how evul fox news is because they cover stories about sex. Good luck officer!

well, it's not about policing any threads - but i find it fair to ask if the op has anything to offer on his own thread... as for the Fox News thread - Fox sells garbage, then on its "news" network rallies against it.....

/and those who watch Fox News, looking to be outraged eat it up, while smearing themselves in it...



Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman

well, it's not about policing any threads - but i find it fair to ask if the op has anything to offer on his own thread... as for the Fox News thread - Fox sells garbage, then on its "news" network rallies against it....

Ah, I see, so you only care about meaningful commentary in the OP if you disagree with the OP.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman

well, it's not about policing any threads - but i find it fair to ask if the op has anything to offer on his own thread... as for the Fox News thread - Fox sells garbage, then on its "news" network rallies against it....

Ah, I see, so you only care about meaningful commentary in the OP if you disagree with the OP.

What was the "meaningful commentary?"


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman

/and those who watch Fox News, looking to be outraged eat it up, while smearing themselves in it...

Well thats great, why don't you take your Fox news comment to the Fox news thread, after you berate the OP of that thread for his lack of commentary. :roll:


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman

well, it's not about policing any threads - but i find it fair to ask if the op has anything to offer on his own thread... as for the Fox News thread - Fox sells garbage, then on its "news" network rallies against it....

Ah, I see, so you only care about meaningful commentary in the OP if you disagree with the OP.

What was the "meaningful commentary?"

Pabster said that if Hillary has dirt on Obama then he wants to see it, that's much more meaningful than

cause we're looking out for you!!

Must be SFW because it's Fox News but just be careful.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: spittledip
Doesn't anyone find it odd and strange and pathetic that the people who are running to become president, both democrats and republicans, fight like little school children? These are the people we want in the White House? I wish there were other options. These people are the bottom of the barrel. They represent the worst that America has, and yet they are the ones running to lead America. Maybe they really do represent us...

Yep, and we continue to vote for them, pretty sad isn't it?

I think you've got it backwards, we don't continue to vote for them despite how they act, they act the way they do BECAUSE we continue to vote for them. People construct this fantasy of a virtuous public that has foisted upon it all sorts of morally questionable politicians, but the reality is that we live in a democracy, we mostly get the politicians we want. People are, for the most part, self-involved assholes who really get behind the idea of negative campaigning because that's how they behave in their own lives.

Of course given half the chance, everyone tut-tuts about how bad politics today is, but that's just all for show to demonstrate what upright citizens they are. The truth is that if negative smear campaigns didn't work, politicians would stop using them.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: spittledip
Doesn't anyone find it odd and strange and pathetic that the people who are running to become president, both democrats and republicans, fight like little school children? These are the people we want in the White House? I wish there were other options. These people are the bottom of the barrel. They represent the worst that America has, and yet they are the ones running to lead America. Maybe they really do represent us...

Yep, and we continue to vote for them, pretty sad isn't it?

I think you've got it backwards, we don't continue to vote for them despite how they act, they act the way they do BECAUSE we continue to vote for them. People construct this fantasy of a virtuous public that has foisted upon it all sorts of morally questionable politicians, but the reality is that we live in a democracy, we mostly get the politicians we want. People are, for the most part, self-involved assholes who really get behind the idea of negative campaigning because that's how they behave in their own lives.

Of course given half the chance, everyone tut-tuts about how bad politics today is, but that's just all for show to demonstrate what upright citizens they are. The truth is that if negative smear campaigns didn't work, politicians would stop using them.

Good point.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: UberNeuman

well, it's not about policing any threads - but i find it fair to ask if the op has anything to offer on his own thread... as for the Fox News thread - Fox sells garbage, then on its "news" network rallies against it....

Ah, I see, so you only care about meaningful commentary in the OP if you disagree with the OP.

What was the "meaningful commentary?"

Pabster said that if Hillary has dirt on Obama then he wants to see it, that's much more meaningful than

cause we're looking out for you!!

Must be SFW because it's Fox News but just be careful.

well, let's see - the OP posts about rumor, while offering nothing to back it up - while in the Fox post, that OP just offers more of what Fox News has been prone to do - which is to present SEX in a most salacious manner to grab viewers....

Fox News loves to hate sex, while Bill O'Really has Jenna Jamerison on to talk about her new book, "cum stained hands on my ass." - then goes on to preach about the "WAR ON CHRISTMAS!"

Charming, to say the least.........