A relationship observation that may get me in trouble (I may be turning into Michael D)...

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Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
Originally posted by: shimsham
ah yes the backlash of radical feminism. dont you know that if you disagree with a women, then you are a backward sexist pig? women are just as smart, etc. as men, but for some reason most think they must now control everything because we men are just stupid, selfish morons that couldnt possibly survive without them around to guide us.

i see it at work every day where women talk of how stupid and idiotic thier men are because they disagree with them. i cant recall ever having a conversation like that with any of my buddies. the women all want to pounce on my head when i play "devils advocate" for the husband. funny men are the first ones expected to fix the car, change the light bulb, etc. when we are so stupid.

edit: not all women are like that. when you find one thats not, better snatch her up. i did. not too many fair and rational ones left, sad to say.
I'm a traditionalist. I think the man should be the bread winner in the family, and the woman is the home maker. That's how I'm going to run my family anyway. What other people do is no concern of mine, I suppose.

i got no problems with the woman bringin home a good chuck of the household income. but what i won't stand for is agreeing on that, and then she spends all her money on useless crap.


Oct 9, 1999
Yep, there are some crazy ass women out there, but my gf isnt one of them. My roomie is whipped harder than jesus in the passion, and so she was very aware from the start that Im not that kind of guy. Its all good though, cause shes not that kinda girl. My ex was a different story, but then again, thats why she's my ex. Somehow it has become flipped around where the guy is no longer doing the choosing, it is the other way around. What a lot of women dont seem to understand is that chivalry is a two way street. If you expect him to open doors, pay for dates and be the breadwinner, he expects you to cook and clean and change diapers.



Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: Zugzwang152
Originally posted by: Chaotic42
Originally posted by: shimsham
ah yes the backlash of radical feminism. dont you know that if you disagree with a women, then you are a backward sexist pig? women are just as smart, etc. as men, but for some reason most think they must now control everything because we men are just stupid, selfish morons that couldnt possibly survive without them around to guide us.

i see it at work every day where women talk of how stupid and idiotic thier men are because they disagree with them. i cant recall ever having a conversation like that with any of my buddies. the women all want to pounce on my head when i play "devils advocate" for the husband. funny men are the first ones expected to fix the car, change the light bulb, etc. when we are so stupid.

edit: not all women are like that. when you find one thats not, better snatch her up. i did. not too many fair and rational ones left, sad to say.
I'm a traditionalist. I think the man should be the bread winner in the family, and the woman is the home maker. That's how I'm going to run my family anyway. What other people do is no concern of mine, I suppose.

i got no problems with the woman bringin home a good chuck of the household income. but what i won't stand for is agreeing on that, and then she spends all her money on useless crap.

As opposed to you spending money on things that are only important to you? Btw,in most cases both people have to work to support the household,you don't get a chance to "agree" to that or not.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2002
you're turning into that ball-less wonder Michael-D, your only hope is to kill yourself this very instant!


Feb 25, 2004
I agree with much of what has been said. Most women now are that horrid. My advice, never settle for one of those and stick it out until a good one comes along. And if you aren't as lucky as me, there's always hookers.

Chivarly is dead. And women killed it.


Sep 16, 2000
None of those describe the relationship with my wife. Which is of course why she's my wife.
Also, *I* wear the pants around here.... She just decides which ones I put on.... :eek:


Jan 16, 2001
Interestingly enough, I haven't been in OT in probably two months...I decided to come visit.

This thread caught my eye...I wonder why. :D


Most guys are doormats. They think they're smart, but women control them. Most women wear the pants in the house. Alot of men are naive and think they make the decisions, but little do they know, women make them think that.

I was going to comment until....

By the time you're in your 30's, you'll learn that whatever she says goes in one ear and out the other... that's the easiest way. Just let her think she's in charge and she'll be happy. If you do anything that she doesn't like, apologize and claim that you just misunderstood her. Make her happy by pointing out that you're a poor listener compared to her. Then, she can "wear the pants" in the family, and you can continue to do as you please

Spoken by someone who knows how to keep peace in the house! ;)

My advice, never settle for one of those and stick it out until a good one comes along.

I agree wholeheartedly. That's why I haven't married yet. Though I'm not getting any younger or prettier, I'm in no rush. Even though I have all the busted baggage of a failed marriage.
The kid, the child support, the stolen from me furniture, the lost refridgerator, the slashed tires, the arrest record...er....the social stuggles...yeah, that's it, "the social struggles." ;) All that crap.

But yet, I press ahead. Love is truly a beautiful thing. And the women...ah, the PRETTY WOMEN...my first and still biggest vice. They are all beautiful. Gimme-gimme. :heart:



Jun 15, 2001
Well, I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now, I don't have the time.

And no, I'm not gay. I also thought that I made it clear that the men and women that this thread is about are from a limited sample, say 8 or 9 couples.