Let's get a few numbers/fact straight.
it's SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), not SCZI.
ATA-100 have a max bandwidth of 100MB/s,
PCI runs at 33Mhz, the bandwidth is 133MB/s at 32bit, and 266MB/s for 64bit PCI
SCSI has many different standards, the fastest being Ultra160, which
has a bandwidth of 160MB/s. (which is slight more then the 32bit PCI bus can handle if it's fully loaded)
So far I don't think any single drive can utilize that much bandwidth over either ATA-100 or Ultra160, the drive can probably do a transfer rate ~20MB/s to 30MB/s sustained(I'm not exactly sure.. too lazy to check the spec sheet)
Why is SCSI faster? SCSI harddrives tend to have higher RPM, larger buffers, and of course, cost a lot more. and SCSI controllers allows multiple access to the HDs simultaneously, where in IDE only 1 device per channel can be access at one time.