A Perspective on one's self *Serious*


Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
Note: All of those who see reality as it is today, you might get confused with this post. I label this only to save those who have limited tolerance for other people's perspectives on life (or in anything in that case).

Now, off to the post.

Ever since I came out of school before my Spring break, I read every book I could get my hands on before my computer components came to me from UPS. The books I read were all depressing (mostly Stephen King books) and I couldn't wait to get my hands on my new computer. When the parts came in on Friday, the day after school was out, I assembled the thing and played games for a good sixteen (16) hour session. I did that all the way through today, playing my computer from sun rise to sun set, until I installed a game that I didn't play for awhile. The game was "Tomb Raider: Anniversary".

Before I elaborate why Tomb Raider is so important to the topic at hand, you must know a few things about me first. For the longest of time, I have been an upstaging thinker; I try making other people's lives better by giving them rare advice, advice not given within any movie or book. For as long as I can remember, I tried to make people remember me as "that stranger who told me something that changed everything". I know this is a flawed ego I have but to possibly achieve something like this would make one feel awesome for the rest of his or her life. Perhaps this feeling is an ambition of human behavior, or maybe it's just me, but regardless of which, people do need some outside help from time to time to keep their minds from the brink of insanity. I think alot, and sometimes, 'too much' as my peers tell me. Over-calculation, deep thinking, and over-working are three (3) good words to describe who I am. When I over-think, I see things to their very universal origins other than the message implied and that has made me a catastrophist.

I am a person who loves History and Literature; I can't stand to not have a history book around me at any time at home. We learn from our past so that we may find it useful to re-create or avoid events in history that could plausibly happen within the present/future. I really have no idea, or reason, why I love history, I just do. English is a consistent study I need to work on (I have Asperger's Syndrome, a minor but fatal dosage of the neurological symptom; it disintegrates my social skills as I get older).

I over thank everything to the point were I get depressed, de-motivated, and reluctant on personnel endeavors; the world looks black but till recently, I think I figured out a major role in the thinking process of modern society. Acknowledging the fact that reality and society don't exist, your brain is the only obstacle to overcome. The brain is very powerful, needless to say, but it can be easily manipulated into false pressures and anxieties. Obstacles, such as love and friendship, are not false situations but the rest over everything else is. It is hard to truly believe in another world when the physical, different one already exists; including the pressures that go along with it. But once one has dominated that task, life seems as if it were ever-blissful and merry for all of eternity, but I don't believe that it has ever been done before. Some people may call it imagination, some may call it a dream land, but you must accept the fact that the reality within your mind is the real one. And that brings me to believe that Tomb Raider is a relic of the good, old times.

I was only a small child when Tomb Raider came out; I didn't find it entertaining at that point in time because I thought of the puzzles as hard pieces of work; but the atmosphere and idea of the game brings to light the concept of Paradise. Paradise is not the tropical forests, paradise is not the beautiful coral oceans and with it's transparent water color, paradise is your lifetime goal. Your lifetime goal is a confusing one; unless if your either a greedy, or materialistic person. If one can not find out what it is they want to do with their life, they should analyze themselves to see exactly what they are. In terms of me, I am a history buff and nothing beats classical architecture of the Romans and Greeks; that time period was an awesome one. Lara Croft's house is a mansion with no T.V, no modern musical instruments, and no modern day furniture. It's a house of relics of the good old times, it's a house of history; manifesting any visitor who may come to see it with it's brilliance. I would not need a computer, rock music, and friends to live a life like that. What I wouldn't give for that kind of home; this house is a perfect example on life goals. Being a materialistic hound with absolutely no taste makes you a greedy person (I think), having only items will not bring happiness. But for those people who are materialistic and value a certain genre with specific means, that makes you a visionary of a dream. This dream I speak of is the dream that all of you have, your paradise. This paradise, that I speak of, is being surrounded by history along with physical representations of once great persons. Making trials of heroism, epics of far away lands, stories of great dispute and fantasy into reality at the only costs of remodeling. Making your mind's reality can become more comfortable with the new setting because your trying to make another reality that your brain recognizes as one of it's own. Lara Croft's home, ladies and gentlemen, is my paradise I wish for.

There are other life goals that can not be easily achieved unfortunately. Becoming an astronaut, be loaded with women to bang for a whole year *with celebrities on holidays and weekends*(a different one each day; don't try hiding it guys, you know you want it), and getting tons of money in a short amount of time are not all possible (but could be) dreams that can be achieved. But if I need to give advice to those who already, don't have or acknowledge, a life goal, I give you these words if at all applicable:
Life is a big deceiver, much like an honest friend holding a vice-grip on your special place, but it isn't the ultimate fighter. Fighting is how life has prevailed through nature's vile actions for over the past years (I mean way back in the day). Life, within itself, is an entity of being that tempts us to fight so that we may live on, regardless of the costs. Friends. family, political correctness, societal issues, hereditary beliefs, and typical (family values, honorably code of conduct made up by your friends, etc.) beliefs within the world are things that should be thrown out of the window (be sure to forget them as well, buy Windex). Teachers, parents, friends, and employers are the kinds of people that you should not trust or believe. Listen to the stranger that roams the street and watch several movies to see their universal concepts if you can, combine and create a combination of that would create a custom-made moral system that you can work with and that also blends in with your "reality".

This is one of the more important types of living required to achieve Personal Enlightenment and Excellence.
(I believe)
Mar 11, 2004
I try making other people's lives better by giving them rare advice, advice not given within any movie or book. For as long as I can remember, I tried to make people remember me as "that stranger who told me something that changed everything".

I sure hope you're more concise when you do that in real life. Also, sorry, but advice not given within any movie or book, well, no matter how profound or arbitrary, it is already in a book or movie.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
WTF is "Calaborate?"

Or do you mean Collaborate?

Here's one o'them PSA's fer ya...don't post when you're quite so stoned...
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: BoomerD
WTF is "Calaborate?"

Or do you mean Collaborate?

Here's one o'them PSA's fer ya...don't post when you're quite so stoned...

I've never been able to write that prolifically while stoned. So, when are the two sexiest men on ATOT going to tear Maui a new one? :p


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
You and Moonbeam need to "Calaborate".

Seriously though, scientists have determined that upon looking at atomic structures using various methods that the observer effects the observed. This has become sort of a mantra among some scientists recently.

Look at the holographic universe concepts. One atom can react almost instantly to another atom that is disturbed clear across the universe. Sound implausible? It may not be as far fetched as you might think. Various recent tests have seemingly confirmed this unexpected universal anomaly.



No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: BoomerD
WTF is "Calaborate?"

Or do you mean Collaborate?

Here's one o'them PSA's fer ya...don't post when you're quite so stoned...

I've never been able to write that prolifically while stoned. So, when are the two sexiest men on ATOT going to tear Maui a new one? :p

I dunno brah...not sure when we're heading back over. We've been discussing early May, (I have about 5 weeks off between semesters) but have a few other things to do as well...it might not happen until later.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2006
Interesting post, I agree with alot of it, but I bet no more than 5% of ATOT will give a damn (I mean, 5% of those who read it)

Generally, people are too stuck up in the "real world", they dont notice that society itself is just like religion, you were thought how to think since you were little, and now youre just another clone, and the worse part is they legitimately think they are doing it on their own "will" (lets call it Matrix effect)

Everything people consider normal / weird or right / wrong comes from society standards, standards which you might have never agreed with, since you didnt help make them up in the first place... So, some people (like me) often feel displaced, as if I was born in the wrong "era"... Why do I have to follow the rules of a system I had no part in?

In the end, like you said, there is no reality but that which you believe in

People nowadays (mostly adults) laugh at those who still carry their childhood dreams with them, even when they grow up... "The world isnt a fairytale, you will never make it"... I dont believe having a dream has anything to do with being materialistic, unless of course it involves personal belongings (mine doesnt for the most part)

The smartest people I know all have a strong child side they refuse to let die, simply because that is what drives us (or should) ... I look at how mechanical our society is, how most people act like clones of each other, and I cant help but wonder... "Have they forgotten what LIVING means? Im not here to SURVIVE, Im here to LIVE" and in the end its your choice... Who has the right to call you crazy or stupid for thinking out of the box? At least you are enjoying life, they are not

I know I deviated a bit from your post, but I just felt like saying something, which will undoubtedly go unheard among the fanatic masses


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
Do you have any idea of how great an effort of will it took to read that? If the point of the OP was to author the longest post possible with the least amount of content possible he has succeeded. You could have composed the OP entirely of prepositions and conjunctions and it would have contained more meaning.

Failure of exponential magnitude.

...Tomb Raider WTF




Nov 18, 2005
The opening of one's mind when flooded with drugs can be a profoundly dizzying experience that eventually makes one discover new personal philosophies.

Originally posted by: ShadowOfMyself
Interesting post, I agree with alot of it, but I bet no more than 5% of ATOT will give a damn (I mean, 5% of those who read it)

Generally, people are too stuck up in the "real world", they dont notice that society itself is just like religion, you were thought how to think since you were little, and now youre just another clone, and the worse part is they legitimately think they are doing it on their own "will" (lets call it Matrix effect)

Everything people consider normal / weird or right / wrong comes from society standards, standards which you might have never agreed with, since you didnt help make them up in the first place... So, some people (like me) often feel displaced, as if I was born in the wrong "era"... Why do I have to follow the rules of a system I had no part in?

In the end, like you said, there is no reality but that which you believe in

People nowadays (mostly adults) laugh at those who still carry their childhood dreams with them, even when they grow up... "The world isnt a fairytale, you will never make it"... I dont believe having a dream has anything to do with being materialistic, unless of course it involves personal belongings (mine doesnt for the most part)

The smartest people I know all have a strong child side they refuse to let die, simply because that is what drives us (or should) ... I look at how mechanical our society is, how most people act like clones of each other, and I cant help but wonder... "Have they forgotten what LIVING means? Im not here to SURVIVE, Im here to LIVE" and in the end its your choice... Who has the right to call you crazy or stupid for thinking out of the box? At least you are enjoying life, they are not

I know I deviated a bit from your post, but I just felt like saying something, which will undoubtedly go unheard among the fanatic masses

morals are a social invention.
I've got to head to PT, so that's all I've got for now. Might expand on that one later. Although in quite a few other posts I've stated the same thing.



Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
I started to read it then remembered this was the kid who was macking on his sister, and stopped.



Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
1. mite wanna calaborate wit ur inglesh teechur
2. klifs
3. tomb raider? wtf
Jun 19, 2004
So lemme do some cliffs here for ya:

1. You have zero social skills

2. As a result of this you've deemed the rest of the world inane, and they simply don't get you.

3. You use this to justify hiding in your room and getting all depressed

4. You use this to justify thinking you're better than everyone else and give them advice that's unwarranted nor asked for, thus alienating you even further from real people and cementing your "They just don't get me" outlook on life.

5. You essentially don't know what a female body looks like in real life, except for that one time you peeped on your Mom while she was in the shower.

Am I close? Talk to me again in 10-15 years when the real world hits you in the ass and we'll see what outlook you have on life then.

Teen angst FTL


Senior member
Mar 11, 2006
This is funny, really it is. I can't believe everyone is stupid enough to build up evidence to make an assumption. Your all wrong, I'm laughing. Once we got off the topic of the thread, all of you people started thinking that I'm extraordinarily stupid. If you all are illiterate, as it so seems; I made a line within the origin of the post saying that don't read this if you believe reality is as it is. It looks as if 98% of the people don't get it, don't think that excludes the majority of this thread however. I can tell people are keeping tabs on me as it is and you know what, go right ahead; be a part of the mob like everyone else. I don't cry, sob, or feel down by all of you pricks. I just know that people who can't find the means of critically thinking this thread's purpose are the ones who have nothing better to do; your either enforcing the public will of society, the internet, and the modern era. Some posts in here were good, some even got why I said "Tomb Raider Anniversary", which the majority presumed that this thread was all raw but not juicy. No one in my life made things easier for me, I don't need to do that here either.

Oh I have seen the real world and I just have to say that alot of people in this world are weak, hateful, and trendy. In the old times, people were nice to eachother; saying hi whenever folks come onto buses and such. It has moved to the internet but the consequence of the great shift comes with pricks that are alienated, separated from real life encounters. Without actually being with people, people don't see the point in being nice to others when it doesn't strike back at them henceforth the prick of the internet. MisterJackson, and other people who like keeping tabs on me find it pleasant to beat the young white meat. Perhaps I am alienated from all of you because I am minorly, mentally challenged and that I'm a teenager who knows everything. I don't know everything and when life, which by the way many of you people have not got the jist of what I think life is, strikes you, it's in your head, not your livelihood. I wrote a long post, that got many people upset, I do apologize for that but if people don't want to read it, then leave. There are alot of idiots out there and it makes me laugh; pricks within this thread are the following genre: (Seeing stereotypes)
-Fall off a bridge and die, we don't want you wasting our air
-Your fucked up, get off this thread
I don't need this, it's the pricks on this thread that need to be smacked with life, I could make a false predicament right now but I'm not a prick and I don't plan on being one. This thread is done with if people plan on insulting others. I just can't believe how many illiterate people there are in this thread.

Let me, not lemme~And I need English class? PFFT.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Did you really expect anything else when you posted this here?

I won't say it's deserved or undeserved, but come on.
Also, people are ever the same, it's only the media that's changed.
I also don't believe that you can be the person that changes a world-view by wanting to be that person--you either are or aren't.


Aug 10, 2002
Is your original post trying to make a point?
I mean I half tried, but I couldn't really see one, so I kind of thought it would be pointless to try and harder.
It just seems to be some random rambling.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
So lemme do some cliffs here for ya:

1. You have zero social skills

2. As a result of this you've deemed the rest of the world inane, and they simply don't get you.

3. You use this to justify hiding in your room and getting all depressed

4. You use this to justify thinking you're better than everyone else and give them advice that's unwarranted nor asked for, thus alienating you even further from real people and cementing your "They just don't get me" outlook on life.

5. You essentially don't know what a female body looks like in real life, except for that one time you peeped on your Mom while she was in the shower.

Am I close? Talk to me again in 10-15 years when the real world hits you in the ass and we'll see what outlook you have on life then.

Teen angst FTL

I agree.

OP, I read your entire post and it's clearly an example of teen angst. Say what you want, when you grow out of it, you'll understand :)

Now I feel old.