This is not new. Dirt poor women in Asia will latch on anyone, especially old foreign men, with money so they will able to move to US or EU or anywhere else.
I felt bad for those guys, being used solely for their money. When the money run out, no more girls/women.
In Asia, those old men are called "tay ba lo", "gaijin", "gweilo" and other slang/derogatory words.
No, it's not just "white guy", as you say yourself. It is also an insult. Taken at face value, it's very negative connotation. Nobody should be using that term to describe a person s/he respects."gweilo" just means white guy (translates to ghost person) and they'd call any white guy that, not just these sugar daddys.
Gaijin doesn't have to be pejorative (although it can be), as it just means foreigner. Gaijin doesn't necessarily have to refer to Caucasians either.I'm pretty sure "gaijin" is the same for Japan (refer to Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift as they called him that).
No, it's not just "white guy", as you say yourself. It is also an insult. Taken at face value, it's very negative connotation. Nobody should be using that term to describe a person s/he respects.
Some Chinese consider it not derogatory, but it's just because it's been in use so long it's ingrained, and/or they don't know any better. It's like a Caucasian person saying "Chinaman" isn't derogatory.
But no, gwai lo doesn't just refer to white sugar daddys.
Gaijin doesn't have to be pejorative (although it can be), as it just means foreigner. Gaijin doesn't necessarily have to refer to Caucasians either.
Yup. It depends on the context and who used it. From my own experience, those words were used as put down on those poor guys. That's why I laugh whenever I hear guys say it is so easy to get women in Asia. Cheap/easy/loose and poor women who desperately to get out of poverty? Sure. Upper class and rich? Good luck with that.
No, it's not just "white guy", as you say yourself. It is also an insult. Taken at face value, it's very negative connotation. Nobody should be using that term to describe a person s/he respects.
Some Chinese consider it not derogatory, but it's just because it's been in use so long it's ingrained, and/or they don't know any better. It's like a Caucasian person saying "Chinaman" isn't derogatory.
Eh.. Not every girl you see in Thailand is a lady boy.
So basically unless the guy is a gold digger its smooth sailing :awe:
I've seen some strange stuff while here in Thailand. I see a lot of old guys with super young girls. I'm talking a 30-40 year difference. I saw a 23 year old Thai girl with what appeared to be a 73 year old man. Now, these guys aren't super wealthy, but most do get a nice pension.
It's a regular occurrence here.
Well, I believe historically it largely referred to pale-skinned European males. So "white devil" sort of makes sense if you are translating by intent, although I've heard "foreign devil" used as the translation more often.It's derogatory and I'm slightly taken aback when I hear it usually.
But where does this "white devil" thing come from. I see some people translate "gweilo" into "white devil". Huh? Literal translation is just "gwei" for ghost and "lo" for bummy sort of man.
Well, in Asia, they (not all of course) have the strange notion of "pure blood" and if you are "high class", aristocrat, or stinking rich, you should not mix with others that are not the same. That's why I said good luck to hook up with stinking rich and high class women in Asia in my previous post.
This is not new. Dirt poor women in Asia will latch on anyone, especially old foreign men, with money so they will able to move to US or EU or anywhere else.
I felt bad for those guys, being used solely for their money. When the money run out, no more girls/women.
In Asia, those old men are called "tay ba lo", "gaijin", "gweilo" and other slang/derogatory words.
Thailand frightens me.
They are not being used, just as someone is not being used when they pay money to visit a psychologist.
They pay a fixed amount for a fixed amount of sexual activity. They know what they are getting. Its no different than someone paying cash for services rendered.
And its easy to hook up with stinking rich American women?
You would think so? Sadly, not all of them think or know that they are getting themselves to. I could go on but don't want to hurt people feeling.
Well, in US, we do not have such desperate poor people that just want to move to another country for a much better life (comparing to what they currently have).
Well, in US, we do not have such desperate poor people that just want to move to another country for a much better life (comparing to what they currently have).