A Dark Cloud Descends Over the Industry


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2001
From The NIMF-

A Dark Cloud Descends Over the Industry

The best selling games of the past year (2003) glorify and reward extreme violence, particularly toward women. While these games are rated M (Mature), they are extremely popular with pre-teen and teenage boys who report no trouble buying the games.

For the past seven years, we have consistently expressed concern about a subset of very violent games called "first person shooters." In these games the player advances in the game by killing. Even more disturbing this year is the fact that the best selling games of the past twelve months are not only ultra-violent, but feature brutal violence toward women. In addition, a growing number of non-violent games like BMX XXX degrade women and reinforce dangerous stereotypes by treating them as sexual objects.

Indicative of this problem is the fact that a major retailer, Zany Brainy, announced on November 26, 2002 that it was pulling all video games off the shelves of its 170 stores. A spokesperson for FAO, the parent company of Zany Brainy was quoted as saying, "We didn't carry any of the games with violence, and it seemed to us that those are the most popular games and the games that the industry was focusing on." (Emphasis added.)

Almost all video games are designed and produced by men. Many games appear to reflect young male fantasies. It is very disturbing that the most popular games reflect a violent and misogynist attitude toward girls and women or treat girls and women as sexual playthings.

Though this problem is not new, it is accelerating. Several years ago we alerted parents about Duke Nukem, a game in which the player enters a room where naked women are tied to posts pleading with the gamer (as Duke), "Kill me. Kill me." In Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA 3), the top selling game of the past year, the player is rewarded if he murders a prostitute after having sex with her. However, the trend has reached truly alarming levels with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Building on the incredible financial success of Grand Theft Auto 3, the latest edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was released on October 21, 2002. Over 1.4 million copies were sold in two days making it the fastest sales start for a video game in the thirty-year history of the industry. It could become the top selling game ever. Experts predict that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City will sell 10 million copies grossing almost a half billion dollars. By comparison, Pokemon, a phenomenon in its own right, only sold 5.1 million copies. In addition to building on its predecessor's impressive sales figures, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City picks up where GTA 3 left off with violence toward women.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is receiving rave reviews for its technical excellence. However, its portrayal and mistreatment of women is disturbing. The brutal murder of women as entertainment is cause for great concern. Parents of both boys and girls should be very alarmed by the following:

Every day millions of boys and young men are entertaining themselves with a game that denigrates women and glamorizes violence against them. The theory that it is a game that only adults are playing is simply not valid. Our recent survey of boys showed that it is extremely popular with pre-teen and teen males.

Parents and other adults are almost totally unaware of the content of the game. We have surveyed over 600 parents and teachers over the past month and less than 3 percent have any knowledge of the anti-female content of the game.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2000
A Dark Cloud Descends Over an Apathetic Parenting Society

Ah yes here we go again an apparently movies like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Kill Bill which was deemed one the most violent movie ever made in America are not to blame. And reality TV shows where it's easier to find and laugh at someone else dumb and stupid instead of yourself.

>Parents and other adults are almost totally unaware of the content of the game.

and hence where the problem REALLY lies. Stupid and Ignorant Parents that have no idea what their own kids are doing or watching and would rather blame something or someone else for their own misarable failures at being a parent. End of story.


Platinum Member
Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: NicColt
A Dark Cloud Descends Over an Apathetic Parenting Society

Ah yes here we go again an apparently movies like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Kill Bill which was deemed one the most violent movie ever made in America are not to blame. And reality TV shows where it's easier to find and laugh at someone else dumb and stupid instead of yourself.

>Parents and other adults are almost totally unaware of the content of the game.

and hence where the problem REALLY lies. Stupid and Ignorant Parents that have no idea what their own kids are doing or watching and would rather blame something or someone else for their own misarable failures at being a parent. End of story.

Are you a parent?? It isn't that I necessarily disagree with what you're saying. I too believe that there is a terrible lack of parenting today...in some respects. Many times however it isn't necessarily that a parent doesn't know what's going on but just can't keep up with the deluge assaulting kids today. I do my best to keep on top of this sh#t with my kids but I know there are times when they have access to it without my knowledge. If you have an idea on a better way of doing things, besides more useless banning laws, I am all ears.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2001
It's damn easy to point a finger at video games and blame them for every problem under the sun but anyone with half a brain would/should realise the real roots of such problems lay elsewhere. Perhaps if we forced parents to take responsibility for the actions of their own children rather than blaming the games they play, the music they listen to or the films they watch we could lay such daft arguments to rest.

I've been playing games most of my life (including GTA3) and I've yet to be tempted to bash a woman over the head with a baseball bat or pick one up in my car and take her to some secluded spot for some sucky-sucky action. I've been watching Clint Eastwood films since I was about 5...I've never picked up a Magnum and shot anyone through the crotch. Why? Perhaps because from a very early age my parents taught me morals and respect and the society I live in (by large) condone such actions.



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
It's damn easy to point a finger at video games and blame them for every problem under the sun but anyone with half a brain would/should realise the real roots of such problems lay elsewhere. Perhaps if we forced parents to take responsibility for the actions of their own children rather than blaming the games they play, the music they listen to or the films they watch we could lay such daft arguments to rest.

I've been playing games most of my life (including GTA3) and I've yet to be tempted to bash a woman over the head with a baseball bat or pick one up in my car and take her to some secluded spot for some sucky-sucky action. I've been watching Clint Eastwood films since I was about 5...I've never picked up a Magnum and shot anyone through the crotch. Why? Perhaps because from a very early age my parents taught me morals and respect and the society I live in (by large) condone such actions.
(bold added)

Word. I hate to dredge up Columbine, but I am going to anyhow. When I was in high school, i didn't have many friends and was not well liked. I played games like Doom and other similar games. I also had an interest in firearms. Sound familiar? I never bought or stole a firearm. (I wanted to be in the military). I never threatened anyone with violence with a firearm. I never went to school and shot people, or attacked women or anything else. Becuase my parents (actually, my single mom since before I was in HS) taught me what is and is not acceptable. In short my parent did a good job raising me to know whats right and wrong. What I can do and can not do. She had to work too, she also took time to monitor what I was doing. It must have been difficult for her. But then, that is what happens when you bring children into the world. Respnsibility is in the hands of the parents. More often than not, parents don't take it or designate it to proper people/places (ie sitting their kid in front of the TV and PS2 for hours is not the right place). Are todays games overly violent? IMO probably yes. Does that make todays games at fault for people's bad/stupid behavior? Absolutenly not. People are just looking for someone to blame for their failures.

This is my first OT post. That is probably where this thread belongs...
