6800gt problems - Reformating doesn't help...


Senior member
May 6, 2004
Basically here is the problem. I took my computer somewhere to LAN on. Worked fine at the LAN. I come back to my dorm. I set everything up. I turn the computer on and everything looks funky... I can now only go at 640 x 480 (32 bit color max) or 800 x 600 but ONLY with 16 colors.

I tried reformating today. I unpartitioned everything and then with out making a partition just went to install windows. Windows reinstalled but I have the longgggest boot up time I have ever seen on a computer. Everything seemed fine until I installed the nvidia drivers and restarted...... Now it is back to like it was.

Ways I have worked around this is by disabling the card in the Device Manager and restarting. It works just fine then. I enable it back, it goes back to like it was.

System specs:

AMD 64 3000+ 939 socket
MSI Neo2 Platinum Mobo
480w Thermaltake PSU
80gb Seagate Harddrive
1gb of DDR memory

Also the computer was/is pretty dusty. Working on getting on top of that but I need to buy another screwdriver. I also haven't tried taking the card out and looking at it.

Think my video card is bad now? :( Any help with this will greatly be appreciated.


Dec 22, 2005
maybe the molex came unplugged.just off the top of my head or it just came out of slot a bit maybe,I would definitely inspect the card ,seeing as you just moved your rig a couple of times,those would be the first things I would check.
Good luck


Senior member
May 6, 2004
Hmm I don't think it is the molex connection, so I am going to go to Wal-mart and pick up a screwdriver and see if the card is just out of place a little or something.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2005
Originally posted by: SilentButDeadly
Hmm I don't think it is the molex connection, so I am going to go to Wal-mart and pick up a screwdriver and see if the card is just out of place a little or something.

You don't got a screwdriver :p?


Senior member
May 6, 2004
I tried reseating it just now and changing the molex cables and all, but it is still giving me the same problem. I also tried uninstalling the drivers. It works fine then. I tried the Omega drivers and it still had the same problem as before with the regular nvidia drivers... There is only one more possible solution I can think of and that is to try the other slot with the adapter... Not sure what is called but it is the white part in the back of the graphics card that you need an adapter to plug the monitor into. I am going to try that one when a friend gets over and brings the adapter to me.