4830 Cooling - fail?


Senior member
Oct 3, 2008
I swapped the noisy stock cooler on my Sapphire HD4830 for a Zalman VF900-CU and I've been trying to stress-test it to see how hot it will go. I'm glad today is the coolest day we've had in a few weeks.

So I fire up Furmark and go for a stress test, and I'm surprised as the temps rise into the mid 90's C with the cooler running at full speed (and noisy it is too.) The heatsink doesn't even feel all that warm to the touch, though plenty of warm air is coming away from it. The temperature graph shows a nice gentle curve up to temperature, and I've reseated the heatsink with decent TIM without change - it just looks like the cooler isn't up to cooling the card.

Everything is running at stock speed. Case cooling isn't an issue as it's running in an open environment on my desk.

So I try a different program to stress it, falling back to trusty RTHDRIBL. GPUZ reports 98% GPU load with it, good enough for me. Temps don't rise above 60, and I can dial down the fan to a whispery 5V for a load temp of 70C.

So is furmark pointless for GPU stress testing? I keep reading folks say nothing ever pushes a graphics card as hard as Furmark. I used to think no games pushed a card as hard as RTHDRIBL's shiny spheres. I guess I should try some actual games and see what temps I get.

Basically should I panic my GPU is going to melt just because Furmark eats it? Do I 'need' a better GPU cooler? Does it look like I've mounted it wrong? (I don't see how I could have when other stressing programs are kept reasonably cool.)


Senior member
Dec 19, 2005
If you bought your card to run Furmark 24/7, then you might want a better cooler.

If you bought your card to play games on, your cooler's more than enough. I'm 99% sure Furmark will push that card much harder than any game you'll ever play on it will. I ran Furmark and RTHDRIBL back when I put a Fanmate on my 4850 cooler, but the final test I used to see what sort of temperatures I should expect was to loop the Crysis GPU benchmark and run that for a while. If you insist on using Furmark/RTHDRIBL/other non real world applications though, you might want to consider running something like Orthos/Prime95 at the same time, to load both your CPU and GPU at once.


Senior member
Oct 3, 2008
Just tried Battlefield 2 (yes, I still play _that_ :p ) - super slow fan, as much effects as the game can push, not over 60C , so I guess it's okay. I'm just paranoid.


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2007
IMO most of the reference Radeon coolers are epic fail. Noisy and ineffective.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: TC91
IMO most of the reference Radeon coolers are epic fail. Noisy and ineffective.

IMO, you should read the thread's OP at least before posting...