3COM Modem Help!!!!


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2000
Just bought a USR 2976 modem and I can't get any connection speeds higher than 24k. The driver setup won't work. Each time I try to setup I get this windows error, "SETUP caused an invalid page fault in
module SETUP.EXE at 0177:00422e39." I've tried just about all the drivers on the USR site but they all give me the same illegal operation.

Installing the .Infs doesn't do the job right as system information reports that some of my modem drivers are missing. These may be the drivers that's holding back my speed.

Anybody in here with a similar or the same modem? Even if a Windows guru can tell me how to stop the illegal operation it would be greatly appreciated.


Senior member
Aug 24, 2000
This really should be in tech support or peripherals. That said, use system file checker to reinstall/update the following files serial.vxd, vcomm.vxd, serialui.dll. On the 98 cd, drivers\modem\3com-user\winmodem folder, run the executable wmregdel.exe. It will clean the registry of any winmodem related registry entries. Verify that there are no irq conflicts. Try installing the drivers again. That's a good modem BTW. You might need a newer version of wmregdel.exe, should be available at 3com site but I don't know for sure. Good luck.