Originally posted by: darkswordsman17
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: tangent1138
Originally posted by: fenrir
Originally posted by: Amused
After his outright fraud with Supersize Me, I have no interest in watching anything else from this Micheal Moore propaganda wannabe.
Force feeding oneself to the point of illness, then blaming it on the food is simply the most slanderous thing I've seen of late. He did to himself exactly what farmers do to geese to enlarge their livers to make
Foie Gras. He force fed himself 3-5 times his normal calorie intake. He ate past the point of being full or "stuffed." He ate past the point of being physically ill.
You can have the same effect with ANY food. In fact, geese are force fed grain to fatten their livers.
To do this with one restaurant's food and blame them for the ill effects is slander.
If the man is willing to mislead people this much, why on Earth would I listen to anything else he has to say?
I agree with you 100%. I almost hate this guy as much as Michael Moore. I was disgusted to see that he was given his own series where he could tell more lies. It is just more proof that the general public are sheep.
relax. it's a tv show. sure, it's a hyperbolic look at America, but if it prompts people to look at their diet and make changes, then the net effect is good.
No, it's not. It creates an unhealthy and unrealistic look at foods that are perfectly fine in moderation, and in many cases, a part of a very healthy diet. Beef is NOT the "devil."
Not only that, but it demonizes a perfectly innocent company. Something that seems to be in vogue these days, but is no less damaging than if someone labeled you a terrorist and damaged your ability to make a living.
Finally, it's not diets that need to change, but activities. We're eating the very same foods we ate for the last 40+ years. The only thing that has changed is our activities. The kicker is that sedentary lifestyles leads to over eating because what else is there to do while lying around? The #1 activity while watching a movie, TV, or surfing the web is... Munching.
We went through a low fat craze starting in the late 70s and throughout the 80s into the 90s. What did it get us? The largest increase in obesity in history.
Food and those who sell it are not the problem. It's like blaming guns for crime... but then, that's the leftist way. No one is responsible for their actions unless they are making money from it. Personal responsibility is totally and completely nullified.
I agree with you, but I don't.
While we may be eating the same thing we have for years, the fact is since the unhealthy food is much less expensive and readily available, that people are choosing to go with it over the alternative.
While I admittedly can't speak for other people, when I eat healthier food (get more fruit and veggies, more lean meat, etc.) I feel a lot better, regardless of if I overeat it or not. In fact, if I eat just a single pizza all day (with some pop to wash it down with) which is enough to make me feel full, but still somewhat hungry, I feel pretty crappy and not like doing any actual physical activity, regardless of if its been 6 months since I've eaten this or just yesterday. Whereas if I overeat healthy food (fish fillets, potatoes with nothing on them, fruit, whole grain bread, skim milk, water, etc.) I feel much better and actually feel like doing something.
The quality of food you eat, I personally feel can have a large impact on how you feel.
I agree that people have gotten far too used to sedentary lifestyles.
Another thing I've noticed is that its starting earlier in life when people are doing less and eating more (and unhealthily). I see kids getting much more fast food than they used to, drinking a lot more pop, and eating much more junk food (chips, cookies, etc.). When I was younger, I would have to eat at least some of my healthy food before I could get any junk food. I used to drink juice a lot more than pop as well. Later in life about junior high or so, my family became very poor, so we had to buy the cheaper foods, which happened to be not terribly healthy. We could get chips and pop for a lot cheaper than we could get normal potatoes and milk, so which did we eat more of? During this time I started to become noticably overweight, and I felt like total crap. Also during this time I even worked out. I lifted weights, I did sit-ups, I would go out and play basketball with friends nearly everyday after school. Finally in between sophomore and junior years of high school I was able to eat much healthier again. I cut out pop entirely, I switched to a lot of fat free foods, I didn't eat junk food, I ate a lot more fruits and vegetables, and replaced most things with healthier alternatives. I had actually became less active during this time, never playing sports, and barely ever lifted weights or anything. I felt great though. Finally after a while of eating much better I began to feel like getting more active and so got back into lifting weights, would go to a local track to run/walk and then got into the greatest shape of my life. Skip to college, where I fell back into unhealthy eating. I stopped being as active as well, and just felt terrible most of the time. I forced myself to become active again, walking everywhere I could, lifting weights, etc, but I continued to eat fairly badly and things didn't really change, I still felt bad. Now, I'm finally getting back into healthy eating, even though I'm not staying very active. I feel pretty good though.
For me, and surely other people, diet is as important to health as being active and getting exercise.