2GB 670 GTX in SLI?


Senior member
Feb 8, 2008
Is it worth it to get another 670 GTX to run in SLI if I plan on gaming at 2560x1440p or should I sell the 670 GTX that I have and buy a better card? I'm worried that 2GB of memory would be a bottleneck. Any recommendations?


Senior member
Feb 17, 2007
Is it worth it to get another 670 GTX to run in SLI if I plan on gaming at 2560x1440p or should I sell the 670 GTX that I have and buy a better card? I'm worried that 2GB of memory would be a bottleneck. Any recommendations?

I purchased a second 2gb GTX680 a couple of months ago. In hindsite I propbably should of sold my original 680 and bought a 290 or something but performance is quite good. If you need tons of AA at 1440p then you should definitely go for a card with more memory. If you´re good with FXAA or no AA then 2x 670 is still very powerful. BF4 runs great without MSAA and everything else maxed.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I'm basically in the same boat, but going SLI 660 Ti. Was going to just buy a R9 290, but seeing reviews and scores, figured it be smarter to just spend $170ish to get a refurbished 660 Ti then drop $450+ for a R9 290 with cooler.

Should hold me off until the start of 14nm cards. I too game at 1440p, figure with no AA I should be fine with 2GBs.


Jan 8, 2011
Tough spot to be in actually. Two 670's have enough GPU power for that res, but not enough RAM. A single R9 290 has enough ram, but not quite the ideal amount of GPU power. So, either way you need to sacrifice something, or spend more money for 1440p.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2006
Like moonbogg, I have a 3930k @ 4.4Ghz and 2 GTX670s. I decided to do a custom water cooled rig so I have some serious $$ tied up in the 670 gpu water blocks (see sig below) I'm also using an Achieva Lite 27" 2560 x 1440 monitor. Will I upgrade soon? No. Can I run every game maxed out? Probably not BUT my cards are running VERY cool OC'd and very fast. I already owned 2 GTX670FTWs so to sell both and upgrade to 2 R9 290s in CF would be shelling out some serious MORE $$ for a slight gain. If I only owned 1 670 and statrted from that position I might sell it and buy 2 R9 290s in CF (@$800) but how much can you get another 670 for?