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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2005
Common Tradenames (See Complete Tradename Listing)

Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor

Dosage, Adult (usual)
Depression: initial, 10 mg/day ORALLY as a single dose in the morning or evening
Depression: maintenance, 10-20 mg/day ORALLY
Generalized anxiety disorder: initial, 10 mg/day ORALLY as a single dose in the morning or evening
Generalized anxiety disorder: maintenance, 10-20 mg/day ORALLY
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder: initial, 10 mg/day ORALLY as a single dose in the morning or evening
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder: maintenance, 10-20 mg/day ORALLY

Dosage, Pediatric, (usual)
safety and effectiveness in children have not been established

Dose Adjustments:
geriatric: 10 mg/day ORALLY
liver disease: 10 mg/day ORALLY

may take without regard to meals
at least 14 days should elapse between discontinuation of escitalopram and initiation of treatment with MAO inhibitors or the discontinuation of a MAO inhibitor and the initiation of treatment withescitalopram
if increasing the dose to 20 mg, do so only after a minimum of 1 week at the 10 mg dose
acute episodes of major depressive disorder require several months or longer of sustained therapy beyond response to the acute episode
periodic monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, hepatic function tests, and complete blood counts is advised during prolonged therapy
monitor patients receiving antidepressants for worsening of depression or suicidality, or unusual changes in behavior, especially at the initiation of therapy or when the dose increases or decreases

How Supplied
Oral Solution: 5 MG/5 ML
Oral Tablet: 5 MG, 10 MG, 20 MG

FDA labeled indications
Generalized anxiety disorder

Non-FDA labeled indications
Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder

MAO inhibitors 14 days before or after escitalopram use
Hypersensitivity to escitalopram or citalopram products
Suicidal ideation and behavior or worsening depression; increased risk, particularly in children and adolescents, during the first few months of therapy
Bipolar disorder; the possibility that a major depressive episode may be the initial presentation of bipolar disorder should be ruled out prior to initiating antidepressant therapy
Abnormal bleeding (concurrent use of NSAIDs or aspirin may potentiate risk of upper GI bleeding)
Concurrent use of linezolid
Discontinuation of treatment (withdrawal symptoms have been reported; gradual reduction of dose is recommended)
Diseases or conditions that produce altered metabolism or hemodynamic responses
Hepatic function impairment
History of mania
History of myocardial infarction or unstable heart disease
History of seizure disorder
Interference with cognitive and motor performance
Severe renal impairment

Adverse Effects
Dermatologic: Excessive sweating
Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea, Nausea
Psychiatric: Sleep disorder, Somnolence or insomnia
Reproductive: Disorder of ejaculation, Impotence
Other: Fatigue

Psychiatric: Depression, worsening (rare), Suicidal thoughts (rare), Suicide (rare)

Drug Interactions
Cimetidine (moderate, probable)
Clorgyline (contraindicated, theoretical)
Desipramine (moderate, probable)
Eletriptan (moderate, probable)
Frovatriptan (moderate, probable)
Furazolidone (contraindicated, theoretical)
Ginkgo (moderate, probable)
Isocarboxazid (contraindicated, theoretical)
Ketoconazole (moderate, probable)
Lazabemide (contraindicated, theoretical)
Linezolid (major, theoretical)
Lithium (moderate, established)
Metoprolol (moderate, probable)
Moclobemide (contraindicated, theoretical)
Naratriptan (moderate, probable)
Phenelzine (contraindicated, theoretical)
Rizatriptan (moderate, probable)
Selegiline (contraindicated, theoretical)
Sibutramine (major, probable)
St John's Wort (major, probable)
Sumatriptan (moderate, probable)
Tramadol (major, theoretical)
Tranylcypromine (contraindicated, theoretical)
Zolmitriptan (moderate, probable)

20 mg/day doses have not demonstrated greater efficacy than 10 mg/day doses

Was looking up drugs on Micromedex...heh...


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

j/k ;)

Or am I...


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2003
// D21-Shoutbox

if (strtolower($this->ipsclass->input['act']) == 'shoutbox' && ($this->ipsclass->input['view'] == 'globalshouts' || $this->ipsclass->input['view'] == 'iframeshouts'))
return true;


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2005
In converse the poetry reflects the pursuit of the human being. Like life and like nature, the verse is uneven and unrhymed. It is free. The poetry is the reflection of how Whitman sees the natural human being, unconstrained by the burdens of verse as the free human is independent of the mental handcuffs of society. He envisions himself, and his American society, as something that has the potential to break free and live. As he explicates in the first stanza of section 2, Whitman sees a spiritual undressing as a prerequisite to achieve consciousness:

Houses and rooms are full of perfumes, the shelves are crowded with perfumes, I breathe the fragrance myself and know it and like it, The distillation would intoxicate me also, but I shall not let it.

The atmosphere is not a perfume, it has no taste of the distillation, it is odorless, It is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it, I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked, I am mad for it to be in contact with me (Section 2).

The perfume in this passage is representative of the alienation of the self with the physical world. It is a mask that disguises the essence of the individual. Whitman allows himself to recognize the allure, the temptations of an artificial existence, but rejects the opportunity to become inebriated in its appeal. He instead chooses the natural, the odorless air of the atmosphere. In doing so he is not only declaring his support for the natural, but for the communal as well (Mulcaire 480). The atmosphere is a shared environment. Everyone breathes of it. In contrast, the crowded shelves offer to each individual a unique, albeit artificial scent.

In choosing the perfume, one is effectively choosing to be defined by the terms of a created and illusory world. Also of importance is the syntactical structure. While the verse is basically prose, the line breaks reveal the statement Whitman wishes to convey. The indented "crowded with perfumes" exemplifies the constriction of the artificial, "crowded" being the antithesis of "free." The second indentation "let it." implies the reader has a choice, and must take a conscious action, to decide their direction (Egan). Whitman is saying that this world of boundaries, and things, and conflicts, and ephemeral individuality, will consume you, but only if you let it. Therefore, one must make a resolution with oneself to choose the free and "odorless." That resolution, on a literal level, is to discover your own humanity and claim intimacy with yourself, which Whitman expounds with, "and naked." The relationship between humanity and nature fascinated Whitman and the pursuit of that understanding became his life's purpose.


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
When it's chemically different than cytosine, which it is. If you put it in a test tube, 5MeC behaves differently. It's a different chemical. It has a structure similar to cytosine. It is significantly more hydrophobic because of the methyl group, for example. Our machinery does not recognize this base as cytosine. It is not treated
the same as cytosine. It has a functionality different than cytosine.