2 rescued after boat goes down


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
My wife and I had justed started going together and went out deep sea fishing in my uncles boat out in the Atlantic Ocean We were 21 miles out and the boat sank. We could not get a distress call out because the water had shorted out the electrical. When you are that far out to sea the only thing you sea is water and sky until they meet in the distance horizon.

I am glad these two guys were found, I know first hand how scary this is.

Quote from story

Two Volusia County fishermen spent nearly 30 hours at sea floating in a large fish cooler until rescuers hoisted them from the Atlantic Ocean into a helicopter Friday afternoon.
About 9 a.m. Thursday, their boat was anchored about 30 miles east of Ponce de Leon Inlet when a large wave hit the vessel, causing it to list hard to the starboard side, the men told Coast Guard officials.



Senior member
Nov 18, 2003
Pretty crazy. That must have been one hell of a fish cooler. Or they must have been very tiny fisherman!

How long were you floating in the water before rescue?


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: InlineFive
Did a rogue wave hit them? And how did you and your wife get back?

We were picked up by another boat some time later.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Watch Open Water and gain a fear of being stranded at sea if you don't have one already.

I already had the fear ;)


Jan 2, 2001
This incident happened a week or so ago. This was on a lake in SC, Lake Moultrie. I've never been on that lake but I've been on Lake Marion, which is the upper lake of santee cooper, Lake moultrie being the lower lake. We went out on Marion at night time, from #27 on this map, which is down right at the santee dam. It was calm when we went out but it didn't stay calm that long. We were on a bass boat so we headed back once the waves were 2-3 feet. We got back to the landing and beached the boat and started drinking, then we noticed the waves were coming up over the transom of the boat and 1/3 of the boat was underwater. I'm not sure what we had to bucket the water out but I've never moved so fast before. Some how we managed to get the boatfloating and loaded. I've never been on a lake that turned bad so fast, I guess it's normal for them to get 5-6 foot waves, which is crazy for a lake that size. I've been out on Lake Erie and you expect waves like that but I never thought santee would get like that.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2006
Originally posted by: tyler811
[L=My wife and I had justed started going together ]

I am glad these two guys were found, I know first hand how scary this is.

You're a lucky guy. I used to fish in Alaska and saw several boats go down with no survivors. One caught fire and then went down, the crew was rescued. It was the freezing spray that would make the boats top heavy and they would roll over.

The worst thing is that you get hypothermia fast, which is why you have survival suits. I've spent hundreds of hours underwater spear fishing and I have not actually seen a shark underwater. I drag lots of bloody fish around though.

You did not have to cope with cold water. But when I think of warm water I think of aggressive predators. Especially, when you are silhouetted against the sky. Great you guys made it out.



Apr 23, 2001
I wanna know what the heck kind of fish cooler they had that could hold and float w/ three adult males in it!
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: bunker
I wanna know what the heck kind of fish cooler they had that could hold and float w/ three adult males in it!


"Two Volusia County fishermen spent nearly 30 hours at sea floating in a large fish cooler until rescuers hoisted them from the Atlantic Ocean into a helicopter Friday afternoon."


Dec 30, 2000
Originally posted by: KK
This incident happened a week or so ago. This was on a lake in SC, Lake Moultrie. I've never been on that lake but I've been on Lake Marion, which is the upper lake of santee cooper, Lake moultrie being the lower lake. We went out on Marion at night time, from #27 on this map, which is down right at the santee dam. It was calm when we went out but it didn't stay calm that long. We were on a bass boat so we headed back once the waves were 2-3 feet. We got back to the landing and beached the boat and started drinking, then we noticed the waves were coming up over the transom of the boat and 1/3 of the boat was underwater. I'm not sure what we had to bucket the water out but I've never moved so fast before. Some how we managed to get the boatfloating and loaded. I've never been on a lake that turned bad so fast, I guess it's normal for them to get 5-6 foot waves, which is crazy for a lake that size. I've been out on Lake Erie and you expect waves like that but I never thought santee would get like that.

even worse is that Lake Moultrie is man made.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: tyler811
Originally posted by: InlineFive
Did a rogue wave hit them? And how did you and your wife get back?

We were picked up by another boat some time later.

21 miles off the coast, your boat goes down in the open ocean and your lucky enough to be picked up by a random boater who was relatively near you? WOW you're lucky!


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: bunker
I wanna know what the heck kind of fish cooler they had that could hold and float w/ three adult males in it!

My brother worked on a charter boat for a couple of years. They have coolers that are the size of a sofa couch.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Baked
Flare and compass FTW?

We used flares that how the boat say us from about 7 miles away. There was a party ship about the size a cruise ship that we saw in the distance but it was about 10 miles off in the distance. Like I said that far out allyou see is the ocean is the ocean and the sky. I have the article around here somewhere that I could scan and post if people want to read it.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Scarpozzi
That's why it pays to have an auto bilge in your boat.

Auto bilge was working but when you are taking in water faster then it can pump it does no good.

The boat sank in about 80 feet of water, my Uncle hired a diver to check it out. The diver took pictures and the where the I/O is bolted into the boat, the bolts were gone. So the water came rushing in right into the engine compartment.