$15.99 Black & Decker Home Cafe Pod Coffee System at lnt.com


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Do you have to use special coffee filters or how does it work?
Looks like you have to use proprietary "pods":
Uses uniquely formulated coffee blends packaged in single-serving "pods"



Junior Member
Aug 26, 2004
Originally posted by: dabuddha
Do you have to use special coffee filters or how does it work?

I believe you use one self-contained "pod" for each cup of coffee. The coffee is sealed in a round filter--doesn't make much of a mess I would imagine. I believe there's a picture at the OP's link.


Apr 9, 2001
You can use any of the pods that are currently available. I have used Senseo pods in mine, as well as some other 3rd party ones. In fact the local stores don't carry the Folgers/Millstone pods that are recommended. Some people even make their own pods. It's pretty simple. If you want a super hot cup of coffee don't bother buying this thing. If you want something that is quick, easy, tastes decent (especially a double pod 9 oz. cup) then it's not a bad deal at all. It's hot, just not SUPER hot. Essentially comes out very drinkable.

Got one for Xmas, used it quite a bit. For me who doesn't drink coffee a lot, it's perfect.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
This was the lowest rated of the three coffee pod machines in December's Consumer Reports. The Melitta was 1st, the Senseo was 2nd, and this Black and Decker was third.


Senior member
Jul 11, 2001
I cannot speak directly about this B&D pod maker myself but I can talk about the Juan Valdez pod maker (from a few months ago at Target, buy a multi-box pod pack, get $60+ pod maker free instantly) and the Melitta pod maker (Linen & Things a month or two back, same deal as the JV). I have the JV maker at home and the Melitta maker at work. I have to say both are incredible makers. The coffee/tea that comes out of the makers is more than hot enough for my tastes (I don't like boiling hot temp coffee). I have noticed that some brands of coffee pods are a little bigger than others but you can simply push the pod down a little into the maker and it will be fine. I have seen the following "flavor" pods: light/medium/dark roast, decaf, french vanilla, hazlenut. I have also seen tea pods for sale as well.

A lot of people might not realize this, but these pod makers aren't just good for making a single cup of coffee/tea... I have used it to brew a 8oz cup of hot water into a mug that had hot chocolate in it, as well as instant coffee (if you run out of pods). I have even used it to whip up some hot water for a bowl of oatmeal!


Apr 24, 2003
Drugstore has the Melitta one : one machines for $41.99 - free shipping on $49 or more. (Coffee pod 18-packs are $4.99 each.)

I can't find a non-commission link that works, but search for "Melitta one" to find them.


Dec 3, 2004
"If you enjoy the taste of richer brewed coffees, such as those made with french presses, espresso machines or vac-pots, you can stop reading now. If you only drink freshly roasted coffee, you can also stop reading now. You have already evolved further on your coffee journey, there is nothing you will gain from owning a Senseo.

The Senseo Coffee Machine will brew a weak, bitter cup of coffee easier and faster than any brewing method on the market. If you prefer a weaker cup of coffee, but find instant coffee too challenging to brew, you may like the Senseo."


Make Your Own Pods